As we all know the Watchtower Society was founded in late 1800 and Russell bought his “chronology” from the Adventist Barbour which had the “beginning of the last days” in 1799, - Jesus “parousia” in 1874 and his “crowning” in 1878 and the definite end in 1914.
As we know Russell died in 1916 having lived long enough to watch all this insane drivel utterly fail. The next president Rutherford, didn’t fare any better, he immediately came up with new dates, like 1918, 1919, 1920 and 1925, which of course also proved to be a complete fiasco. Just before he died he had a stab at 1941, but that was of course as usual also a failure. Then good old Fred Franz had a stab at it with the date 1975, and the whole Witness community was whipped up into a frenzy, and they all experienced a new fiasco in the now long list of failures in the history of the Watchtower Society.
After that the Watchtower Society and the Witness community seemed to draw a lot of comfort from the wonderful “fact” that “Jesus” had promised them that before the generation of 1914 was dead, the “paradise” would be a reality. Then in 1995, they had to look at yet another embarrassing failure in the history of the Watchtower Society.
To make it worse this happened very close to the beginning of a new millennium and the Witness community was showing signs of “fatigue” even before that new millennium was there. Of course launching a new date is now out of the question so all they can do in Brooklyn these days is crying “wolf”
The Watchtower organization was yelling about the “end” right through the beginning of the new millennium 1899 – 1900 and continuing with this same mindless drivel for 100 years. Have they learned anything at all from over 100 years of spouting complete nonsense?
Nope, nix, njet, nada. They go right on playing the same “record”. Last year they made a brochure with the title “The new millennium, what does the future hold for you?”. One should think that after their dismal history with this subject they would have the intelligence to leave it, but no. An organization which have demonstrated time and time again their total inability to get anything about the future right. Why do these nitwits think they can tell anyone anything about the future.
Let us look at this brochure and see what the new millennium will bring us. They set the tone immediately:
AT MIDNIGHT on December 31, 1999, the At 20th century ended.* It was a century that saw much turmoil. But it also saw the dawning of new technologies, dramatic medical advances, an information explosion, and a rapidly growing global economy. The new millennium has therefore been welcomed by many as a symbol of hope and change. Will it perhaps see the end of war, poverty, environmental pollution, and disease?
Many hope so. But how likely is it that the new millennium will produce changes that benefit you -changes that will make life safe and secure for you and your family? consider the immense scope of just a few of the problems we face.
An organization who are so incredibly dense that they still haven’t discovered the immense progress mankind have done during last hundred years will of course not notice anything else.
Then the brochure launch into the usual litany of doom and gloom, pollution, sickness, poverty and war. Then comes this statement:
The fanfare and excitement because of the new millennium therefore masks the fact that pollution, sickness, poverty, and war loom larger than ever. At the root of these problems are greed, distrust, and selfishness-traits that cannot be eliminated simply by scientific research, technology, or politics.
What “fact” do these morons talk about? Don’t they know that pollution, sickness, poverty and war are far less frequent than ever before? Do these idiots know anything about history at all?
Then follows the usual drivel:
AN ANCIENT writer once observed: "To earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step." (Jeremiah 10:23) Man lacks not only the ability but also the right to rule the earth. Our maker, Jehovah God, alone has the right and the know how to solve mankind's problems.- Romans 11:33-36; Revelation 4:11.
Well, if the Watchtower Society leaders aren’t an excellent example of “earthling man” who doesn’t know anything about his “steps” who is? It doesn’t seem to stop them from trying though. What are “man” supposed to do, this elusive “God” don’t seem to be much interested in solving anything. The Witnesses however thinks that his way of solving the “problems” is to kill 99% of all the people. What kind of a solution will that be? Then, believe it or not we get the old prune, 1914 again. They just couldn’t resist that bit of nostalgia, could they?
But when? How? The evidence that we are near the end of "the last days" is overwhelming. Open your Bible, please, and read 2 Timothy 3:1-5. It vividly describes the personality traits that people would display during these "critical times." Matthew 24:3-14 and Luke 21:10, I I also describe "the last days." There the focus is on physical events that have taken place since 1914, such as global war, pestilences, and widespread food shortages.
Oh dear me. More “overwhelming evidence” that we are near “the last days”, Wow!
There has been “overwhelming evidence” for that for the last 120 years, according to the Watchtower Society, so what’s new? The “physical events” since 1914 shows that everything has gotten far better in the world, how stupid can these people get?
Then follows a litany of the same mind numbing tripe and hopeless drivel they have served over and over again. They end this tragic hogwash in the following way:
Millions have faith in these Bible promises and have thus gained an optimistic, positive view of the future. As a result, they are better able to cope with life's pressures and problems. How can the Bible become a guiding force in your life?
Optimistic, positive view of the future? What are they talking about? Jehovah's Witnesses having a positive optimistic view of the future? Are they crazy? Seeing only, war pestilence and poverty. Hoping and praying for the worst mass slaughter in the history of mankind is optimistic and positive? Which group have a worse track record of coping with “life’s pressures and problems” than Jehovah's Witnesses, which have a leadership in Brooklyn that can make every little tiny problem into a life and death matter? A leadership that can stamp imaginary overwhelming problems out of thin air?