im looking for more info on the school brochure , i cant seem to find this anywhere , i have tried free minds , any suggestions would be great , have to go shopping now , will be back later , thanks
school brochure , can anyone help
by MUNKAFATS 9 Replies latest jw friends
I lost my copy years ago, and Im not even sure they are still making them. Do you have any specific questions about it? Any answer you are looking for?
i am not a jw but was studying (sort of) . i was reading a thread in here about custody or something and someone posted and said just give a copy of the brochure to the judge and that would sort it out , im just interested in what it says
I don't have an electronic copy of it unfortunately.
FYI, the School Brochure was re-writen circa 1991 or 92 to make it more 'court friendly.' This was at the height of Watchtower involvement in Custody issues and they wanted a tool that could demonstrate the normalcy of JW childhood.
The original was written by the Writing Department. It was re-written by two Society lawyers, Carolyn Wah and Sarah Mott-Trille Hamilton. So much for Holy Spirit being behind all the Spritual food from the Watchtower.
The bottom line in JW child-rearing is the cult practice of isolating the children from their peers and forming all thei social networks around teh church itself. This leaves them with little to no social net should they ever want to fall away from the cult. The de-humanization of non-believers "worldly people' also breeds fear and distrust in JW children giving the cult even more power over them.
These points however are very difficult to bring out in a court system often more worried about parent's religious freedoms and religion's rights rather than the best interests of the children.
Uzzah - stepping off soap box
The original brochure I had was from the early 1980's. It went into detail about the many things that JW children are forbidden to do including most school activities, and also the college education dilemma. I havent seen the 1992 version, but Im sure they "cleaned it up" to make it more court friendly
I havent seen the 1992 version, but Im sure they "cleaned it up" to make it more court friendly
Yep, I remember that and you're right, it was to go into court and "speak with a forked tongue".
The original was written by the Writing Department. It was re-written by two Society lawyers, Carolyn Wah and Sarah Mott-Trille Hamilton. So much for Holy Spirit being behind all the Spritual food from the Watchtower.
Interesting post, Uzzah. More on this?
I have the 1983 version on the 2001 CD..though knowing them that might be the cleaned up version and they didn't change the copyright. I dunno. Anyway I will PM you the full text if it lets me MUNKAFATS.
Lady Lee
I think i was confused when you PMed me about the Education booklet.
Perhaps this is what you are looking for
thanks everyone , mysterious has sent the 2001? to me , takes a bit of reading huh? a pity i couldnt get hold of the earlier one though , well im off to vacume etc with my music up extremely loud (if you read any of my posts you'd know that my jw friends said its not a good idea to incite people to party with me , i live rurally)
I don't know about the school brochure, but I know if I was in a custody battle with a "witness" I'd find an old copy of this Watchtower for my attorney:
"Many schools now have student counselors who encourage one to pursue higher education after high school, to pursue a career with a future in this system of things. Do not be influenced by them. Do not let them 'brainwash' you with the Devil's propaganda to get ahead, to make something of yourself in this world. The world has very little time left! Any 'future' this world offers is no future!"
------------The Watchtower, March 15 1969, p 171.
oh? JWs have a different outlook now? Regarding education, or regarding the world having "very little time left?" Brainwashing with the Devil's propaganda !? If that's how education was viewed one can imagine how cheerleading would be viewed by the Watchtower Society. oh, and don't forget, all first graders love to have to go sit in the office or get picked up early instead of participating in class parties. makes for healthy self esteem.............