Getting busier all the time

by Simon 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    In case anyone is interested in how much this site get's used, here are the 'highlights' from last week:

    over 2 million hits (this is a request for 'anything' including graphics)

    over 985,000 page views (this includes the 'chat' feature which bumps it up though)

    over 36,000 unique user sessions (this roughly equates to visits)

    Most importantly, the number of 'new' visits, or referals, has gone up noticably from other JW related sites such as exjws, freeminds etc... and also search engines like yahoo, aol etc...

    It's scary eh !

    Thank you all for making this place what it is and creating such a busy, thriving online community

  • bigboi

    No Simon thank you. I really feel it's the way you choose to handle this site that makes it as vibrant as it is. Trusting to ppl to handle their differences and just asking that it stays decent is the key, imo. Thanks agan>



    they don't knowwwwwwwww

    who we beeeeeeeeeee!!!!

    by... y'all know who, and if ya dont know then you ain't cool.

  • lauralisa


    You totally rock
    Enclosed please find my check in the amount of $1,000.000.000

    love, lauralisa

    It's only water from a stranger's tear (Peter Gabriel)

  • Simon

    lol lauralisa - I wish

    Of course I'd be straight onto Dell's website to buy myself a nice rack of servers and some major internet access... how sad is that? (No fast cars and loose women)

    BTW: If any loose women who own fast cars would like to donate their time freely hower, please call me on 555-...

  • RedhorseWoman

    Loose women? Fast cars? Well, Simon, I do some Yoga and stretching....if you consider that loose, then we should be all set. I have a fast car, well as a fast horse.....AND a mounting block. I tried calling that number, but I don't seem to have those little dots on my phone key pad. Is that an English thing? BTW, don't tell Waiting....I get enough flak from her as it is.

  • WildHorses

    Hey Simom,

    I like the new features you added to this forum. I just noticed them. Good idea!

    "I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."

  • think41self


    Everyone comes here because we can say what we want, a freedom that was denied us for many years. Sometimes it gets nasty, but no one makes us read anything, right?

    You and Angharad are the best. You don't need any fast cars or loose women, and don't be tempted by the Red horse lady and her mounting block Angharad wouldn't like it!


    "Not believing is not the same as not knowing."

  • ISP

    Hi Simon,

    I guess the 'light gets brighter'!


  • Trotafox


    Been here only a week and I'm real impressed with the Board and everyone on it. Just wanted to say THANKS.


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