Tom Cruise and Germany

by sspo 9 Replies latest social current

  • sspo

    Last night on the news it was mentioned that he was not allowed to film in Germany because he was a member

    of a cult " Scientelogy" and it was nothing but a money making organization.

    The question is why would they pick on them and not on the JW's knowing that their doctrines are harmful

    to its members, such as the blood issue and DF member and deviding families?

  • sammielee24

    What I heard was that he wanted to use some part of a military base for the movie and the German government doesn't recognize scientology as a religion (and he is a big promoter) so that is why he was denied. sammieswife.

  • Satanus

    Germany's fight w scientology goes back at least 15 yrs. The govt did a lot of survillance on them, over the yrs. Imo, scientology is more abusive than the wt.


  • Gopher

    Perhaps one day Germany will join France and Russia in putting economic/legal pressure on JW's. Perhaps they're a little careful, seeing how the JW's were persecuted alongside the Jews, as to how it would look to go after them now.

    But I don't get why Germany is clamping down on Tom Cruise? Is there some German law he'd be breaking by being on a military base? I think that unless he's actively working to spread his unorthodox beliefs, maybe Germany should just leave him alone. He's just coming to their country to do a job. By making a big issue out of this actor's beliefs, Germany looks intolerant.

  • valkyrie

    A little more clarifying detail:

    [Translated from]

    Tom Cruise wants to film his new movie on a German military base, but is far from welcome.

    It is the German Defense Minister, Franz Josef Jung, who does not welocome the famous actor in connection with the filming of his new moview "Valkyrie," reports the BBC. Jung has stated that it is Cruise's openness concerning his membership in the Church of Scientology that is at the root of his skepticism.

    "Scientology is a religion that is only out for money," the defense minister is alleged to have said. Of late, there have been strong reactions to the burgeoning of Scientology in Germany, which has been described in the country as, among other things, "a danger to democracy."

    "Hands off my father!"

    Cruise will play Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, the leader of a planned assassination attempt against Hitler in 1944. The film will, among other things, show the world that even within Germany there existed opposition to Nazism.

    The son of Von Stauffenberg, Berthold, has also expressed himself to the media and advised against Tom Cruise in the role of his father.

    "He should keep his hands off my father," Berthold Von Stauffenberg is supposed to have said.


    Further detail [translated from]:

    Tom Cruise will play a German resistance hero from the Second World War - but he agitates today's Germans with his Scientology faith: they fear that he will sneak Scientology propaganda into the film. ...


    It appears - if the Defense Minister gets his way - that Tom C. will not be permitted to film on a military base, but may find other suitable/substitute filming locations in Germany.

    -Valkyrie (not of the film!)

  • Gopher
    Tom Cruise will play a German resistance hero from the Second World War - but he agitates today's Germans with his Scientology faith: they fear that he will sneak Scientology propaganda into the film. ...

    So by restricting Cruise from certain venues within their country, they'll somehow control what he says in the film? If that's what they think, it's nonsense.

  • poppers

    Scientology's penchant for getting its tentacles deep into a person and using tactics against opposers and those who leave and speak against them are reminiscent of the Nazi's tactics. Germans, to their credit, are sensitive to the potential harm they represent.

  • Mary

    If Tom Cruise had kept his mouth shut and didn't actively promote the insanity of his cult, they may not have barred him. The movie itself sounds like a good one, but unfortunately, Mr. Cruise was drunk on his own celebrity status and was crazy enough to publically criticize anyone who takes medication for mental health issues----most notably Brooke Shields for taking antidepressants after suffering a severe bout of post-partum depression.

    Scientology is, IMO, even worse than the WTS when it comes to brainwashing, control and stupid doctrines.

  • barry

    I just heard on the news that the reason the Germans are so sensitive about Scientology is because Scientology promotes an authoritan style state in the future.similar to Nazism.

  • greendawn

    Scientology is a lot more wayward and aggressive than the JWs so I am not surprised that the Germans view with suspicion Tom Cruise a major exponent of that cult. They stated that scientology is a business pretending to be a religion something taht is also very true of the less virulent WTS.

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