From the New York congregations part of Vermont Circuit #1? Granville or Whitehall NY? Did or do you know DeGroffs? Art Pagones? Wilhovskies? Reams?
Vermont Circuit #1 anyone?
by jibberish 6 Replies latest jw experiences
I knew them all, and gave many talks in those two congregations.
Ted Degroff and his sister were friends of ours, though much, much older. The Rehms were really something else, at times more like Watchtower thugs in the way they handled some things.
Art Pagones - what a piece of work! Shouted his talks and never worried a minute about actually staying within his time limit!
Knew the Wilhovskis as well. I remember them as nice guys.
These were sort of isolated congregations, very rural, with longtime families that tended to rule the roost. Whitehall in particular seemed to have a lot of problems.
These were a bunch of old style Witnesses if I ever knew any. I was actually the assembly overseer for Vermont Circuit 1 for many years, though much of that was with the B section, later the C part, (I think??), and finally with Mass. #3. We were with these NY congreagations in the early years, through the 70s I think, and perhaps the early 80s.
PM me if you'd like. I'll bet there are a ton of other people we know. I remember a single elder from over that way - name was John Superson if I recall. Then there was a Tim, can't remember last name. His dad was a CO. The names come back slowly.
There was a Mae Ouellette (??) that moved from my congregation over that way and married a brother. She claimed to be anointed and had a lot of issues.
S4 -
Spent time in both dad was an elder and gave talks there often. The names are familiar but it was so long ago for me. (Grew up in the White River Congo.)
I remember all of them, as well... I remember when Vermont was a part of NY Circuit 17 (in the 1960's). I really liked Ted Degraff, and the Rehms were as you describe: very different. Jake Rehm was killed either in the late 60's or early 70's. Granville and Whitehall were definitely "rural" congregations! Seeing your post brings back lots of memories.
So neat to see people from my old "stomping grounds"! Yes, the Rehms had quite a reputation didn't they. They finally got removed back in the 90's much to their disliking.
I was talking with my ex-wife (still a JW) last night, and she reminded me that Joe Martin is Mae Eli's son. Did you know Joe, or his sister Diane? There were others as well.
And RWag: I remember a Perry Wagoner from back when. Don't remember a whole lot about him, but wondered if that was familiar??
Perry is my dad.