hey everyone...just to piggyback off of the wedding vs birthdays...something i wanted to say for a while. Ok so we're not allowed to celebrate birthdays but we can have wedding celebrations. The reason for not having birthdays and most other holidays is the PAGAN!!! influence and history of the celebration...but WEDDING CELEBRATIONS ARE PAGAN TOO! They even admitted it in the Feb 15, 2007 watchtower-questions from our readers-which was actually a question about toasting-but to quote it says: "Moreover, the wedding ring at one time had religious significance. Yet, most people today do not know that, considering a wedding ring a mere evidence that someone is married" If you look up wedding origins...its customs are clearly pagan so why is that they admit it but still there is no problem celebrating weddings in the traditional way but everything is not??? That's what I would like to send to questions for our readers! PS. the reason for not toasting to answer the question was weak. I read it 5 times and still didnt get it. LATERZ PPL :) http://jesus-messiah.com/html/wedding_rings.html
Hey more on weddings!
by why??? 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
cyberdyne systems 101
You make some good observations, its all about appearing different and therefore special. If you check Mary's topics I think you may find a thread about the magazine you highlighted.
CS 101
I think that would be a great question for the readers. However, I doubt it would ever be published. The WTS will probably send your elders a letter stating how you're questioning the society. That's what happened to my daughter.
What about honeymoons for dubs?
The Honeymoon originated before the wedding
Miriam-Webster defines honeymoon as “a period of harmony immediately following marriage“. However, in the beginning, the honeymoon existed long before the marriage ceremony came into being.
The first recorded appearance of the term honeymoon came in 1546 - but the ritual goes back much further. In earliest days, the man simply abducted the woman of his choice and took her into hiding. This lasted at least as long as it took for her angry relatives to stop searching for her. Normally, this was about one month, as marked by the phases of the moon. Thus the “moon” in honeymoon.
While in hiding, the couple would partake of mead - a wine made of water and old honey. According to Pliny the Elder, it consisted of “one part of old honey” and “three parts of water”. The mixture was then left in the sun for forty days, though, according to Pliny, some left it to ferment only nine days. Pliny went on to say, “with age it attains the flavor of wine”. As time passed, it was believed that, if the couple drank mead daily during the honeymoon, they would be assured of the birth of sons. One has to wonder how much mead Henry VIII would have drunk! Anyway, the mead provided the “honey” part of the honeymoon.
Symbolism of the Honeymoon
The term honeymoon is packed with symbolism. The mead, or honey wine, is sweet and symbolizes the particular sweetness of the first month of marriage. It is a time free of the stresses and tensions everyday life puts on the relationship as time goes on. The moon symbolizes the phases or cycles of the couple’s relationship as it waxes and wanes from full moon to full moon. Like the moon, the couple’s relationship would have its brighter moments and its darker ones. Being tied in with the moon cycle, the one-month period of time was considered associated with the woman's menstrual cycle, and thus, fertility.
Of course, the notion of hiding away during their honeymoon has led to the present practice of couples keeping their plans secret. Though the reason has changed. No longer is it fear of physical violence, in most cases anyway, but rather, to keep nosy relatives and friends from invading the couple’s privacy.
Lady Liberty
Hello all,
I posted this sometime ago on another thread..more wedding info.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/122847/1.ashx
Good Morning all, and "Happy Wednesday"!!
Well, after looking at this, any faithful Witness would have to say a firm "no" to a Witness wedding! Or would they?? Take a look at this link and see how steeped in "evil" things the whole wedding is, all the way down to the CAKE!!
So.. if weddings, and all their customs are ok for Witnesses, then why in the heck are the Holidays off limits? Should not the same principle apply?? Food for thought isn't it??
Lady Liberty
Wedding Traditions Either scroll down the page to read the complete article or click on any of the hyperlinks below to go direct to the section you are interested in. IntroductionIncorporating wedding traditions in your wedding day is a wonderful and fun way of celebrating and recognising the historical importance of marriage within a modern context. Listed below are many of the traditions that are still popular throughout the United Kingdom today. As we stumble across more while we research our articles, we will add them to our list. We should add that we have come across several explanations for most traditions during our research and have documented here the most frequently occurring. Also, many of the traditions date back many hundreds of years and consequently their origins are not fully known although most have their roots in ancient superstitious beliefs. So, if you read other explanations elsewhere, don't be surprised since there are many about and they all sound plausible. Something old, new, borrowed and blue...The full wording of this popular bridal attire rhyme, which dates back to the Victorian times is 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a silver sixpence in your shoe.' Something old refers to wearing something that represents a link with the bride's family and her old life. Usually, the bride wears a piece of family jewellery or maybe her mother's or grandmother's wedding dress.
Third finger, left handA bride's engagement ring and wedding ring are traditionally worn on the third finger of the left hand (the finger next to your little finger). Although there is no precise evidence to explain the origin of this tradition, there are two strongly held beliefs. The first, dating back to the 17th century, is that during a Christian wedding the priest arrived at the forth finger (counting the thumb) after touching the three fingers on the left hand '...in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost'. The second belief refers to an Egyptian belief that the ring finger follows the vena amoris, that is, the vein of love that runs directly to the heart.
Wearing something new represents good fortune and success in the bride's new life. The bride's wedding dress is usually chosen, if purchased new, but it can be any other new item of the bride's wedding attire.
Wearing something borrowed, which has already been worn by a happy bride at her wedding, is meant to bring good luck to the marriage. Something borrowed could be an item of bridal clothing, a handkerchief or an item of jewellery.
Wearing something blue dates back to biblical times when the colour blue was considered to represent purity and fidelity. Over time this has evolved from wearing a blue clothing to wearing a blue band around the bottom of the bride's dress and to modern times where the bride wears a blue or blue-trimmed garter.
...and a silver sixpence in your shoePlacing a silver sixpence in the bride's left shoe is a symbol of wealth. This is not just to bring the bride financial wealth but also a wealth of happiness and joy throughout her married life. Why not treat yourself to a real silver sixpence from our online store?The wedding veilThe origin of the wedding veil is unclear but it is thought that it predates the wedding dress by centuries. One explanation is that it is a relic of the days when a groom would throw a blanket over the head of the woman of his choice when he captured her and carted her off. Another explanation is that during the times of arranged marriages, the bride's face was covered until the groom was committed to her at the ceremony - so it would be too late for him to run off if he didn't like the look of her! It is also thought that the veil was worn to protect the bride from evil spirits that would be floating around on her wedding day.
These origins have all evolved into the tradition that the veil covers the bride's face throughout the ceremony until the minister pronounces the couple man and wife - although today, the veil is often lifted by the bride's father when the bride arrives at the alter.
Carrying the bride over the thresholdThere seems to be two explanations for this tradition where the groom carries his bride over the threshold when entering their home as a married couple for the first time. The first is to protect the bride from evil spirits that were thought to be lying in wait under the threshold. The second explanation relates to Roman times when it was believed that if the bride stumbled when entering the newlywed's home for the first time, it would bring bad luck and harm to their marriage. So carrying the bride across the threshold would prevent this from happening (although we haven't established the likely outcome to the marriage if the groom stumbled while carrying the bride!).
Bridal flowers and their meaningThe carrying of flowers by the bride has its roots in ancient times when it was believed that strong smelling herbs and spices would ward off and drive away evil spirits, bad luck and ill health. Garlic and chives were also popular for the same reason. During Roman times, this tradition was extended, with the bride and groom wearing floral garlands signifying new life and hope for fertility. The bouquet in particular symbolised a women in bloom. During Victorian times, flowers took on an additional significance as lovers would send messages to each other using different flowers, with each flower having its own meaning. These associations were soon adopted for the bride's bouquet and are still used today by many brides. The most popular flowers with their traditional meanings are:- Apple Blossom - Better things to come
- Camelia - Graditude
- Carnation - Fascination and love
- Chrysanthemum - Red - I love you
- Chrysanthemum - White - Truth
- Cyclamen - Modesty and shyness
- Daffodil - Regard
- Daisy - Innocence
- Fern - Fascination and sincerity
- Flowering Almond - Hope
- Forget-me-not - True love and remembrance
- Heliotrope - Devotion and faithfulness
- Honeysuckle - Generosity
- Hyacinth - Loveliness
- Hydrangea - Boastfulness
- Iris - Warmth of affection
- Ivy - Eternal fidelity
- Japonica - Loveliness
- Jasmine - Amiability
- Lemon Blossom - Fidelity in love
- Lilac (white) - Youthful innocence
- Lily - Majesty
- Lily-of-the-valley - Return of happiness
- Magnolia - Perseverance
- Maidenhair - Discretion
- Mimosa - Sensitivity
- Orange Blossom - Purity and virginity
- Peach Blossom - Captive
- Rose (red) - Love
- Rose (yellow) - Friendship
- Rose (coral) - Desire
- Rose (peach) - Modesty
- Rose (dark pink) - Thankfulness
- Rose (pale pink) - Grace
- Rose (orange) - Fascination
- Rose (white) - Innocence
- Rosemary - Remembrance
- Snowdrop - Hope
- Sweet Pea - Delicate pleasures
- Tulip - Love
- Veronica - Fidelity
- Violet - Faithfulness
Why the bride stands on the leftDuring the marriage ceremony, the bride stands on the left and the groom on the right. The origin of this goes back to the days when a groom would capture his bride by kidnapping her. If the groom had to fight off other men who also wanted her as their bride, he would hold his bride-to-be with his left hand allowing his right hand to be free to use his sword.
First on the dance floorAt the evening celebrations, the bride and groom traditionally dance first on their own to a waltz. However, as ballroom dancing is not so popular these days, the newlyweds usually dance to a favourite romantic song. During the playing of this song, it is traditional for the groom to dance with his new mother-in-law and then with his mother, while the bride dances with her new father-in-law and then with her father. The best man also joins in dancing with the chief bridesmaid and the ushers with the other bridesmaids when the bride and groom first change. After the first dance, all the guests are invited to join the newlyweds on the dance floor. Please read our related article Music For Your Wedding
Leap year proposalsThe right of every women to propose on 29th February each leap year, goes back many hundreds of years to when the leap year day had no recognition in English law (the day was 'lept over' and ignored, hence the term 'leap year'). It was considered, therefore, that as the day had no legal status, it was reasonable to assume that traditions also had no status. Consequently, women who were concerned about being 'left on the shelf' took advantage of this anomoly and proposed to the man they wished to marry.It was also thought that since the leap year day corrected the discrepancy between the calendar year of 365 days and the time taken for the Earth to complete one orbit of the sun (365 days and 6 hours), it was an opportunity for women to correct a tradition that was one-sided and unjust. For those wishing to take advantage of this ancient tradition, you will only have to wait until Sunday 29th February 2004.
Throwing confettiThe origin of throwing confetti over newly weds predated Christ since it originates from the ancient Pagan rite of showering the happy couple with grain to wish upon them a 'fruitful' union. Pagans believed that the fertility of the seeds would be transferred to the couple on whom they fell. The throwing of rice has the same symbolic meaning. The word confetti has the same root as the word 'confectionery' in Italian and was used to describe 'sweetmeats' that is, grain and nuts coated in sugar that were thrown over newly weds for the same Pagan reason. In recent years, small pieces of coloured paper have replaced sweetmeats, grain and nuts as an inexpensive substitute but the use of the word confetti has remained. Confetti is now available in a wide range of colours and designs to match you wedding theme. Despite the longevity of this tradition, it is on the verge of extinction because the throwing of confetti is not permitted at most register offices and churches due to the mess it makes. However, the tradition may survive with the recent introduction of wedding bubbles, which provides an environmentally safe alternative.
Wedding favoursThe tradition of giving your guests something to remember the day by in the form of favours has been around for hundreds of years. Today, the tradition has evolved to giving each guest five sugar coated almonds to symbolise health, wealth, fertility, happiness and long-life. However, during the late 19th century at high society weddings, guests could expect to receive favours such as scarves, garters and gloves. Looking back further, an article in the Caldwell Papers (Scotland) dated 1750, reports:"The bride's favours are sewn on her gown from top to bottom, and round the neck and sleeves. The moment the wedding ceremony was performed the whole company ran to her and pulled off the favours; in an instant she was stripped of all of them. The bride's mother then came in with a basket of favours belonging to the bridegroom; those and the bride's were the same, with the livery's of their families, hers pink and white, his gold and blue colour." But why almonds? It appears that the association of almonds with love goes back to Greek legend with the story of a young man called Demophon, who met and fell in love with a Tracian princess, Phyllis. However, before the marriage ceremony could take place Demophon is informed that his father has died in Athens and he must return for the funeral. He promises to return by a certain date but errs on the time it will take him and does not return until three months later. By this time Phyllis is convinced that she will never see her lover again and hanged herself. The Gods, touched by her love, transform her into an almond tree. The grief stricken Demophon offered a sacrifice to the almond tree, declaring his undying love. In response, the almond tree blossomed. Impetuous youth and undying love were thus symbolised by the almond. Also, in his writings on natural history in 77AD, Pliny advised that eating five almonds would prevent drunkenness, therefore maybe the giving of the five almonds to wedding guests was to ensure that celebrations did not get out of hand.
Shoes and weddingsThe tradition of tying shoes to the bumper of the newly wed's car has various believed origins ranging from the times of marriage by capture, with the bride's father throwing his shoe in anger at the escaping groom and his stolen bride to the notion that leather had the quality to protect against evil spirits and the tying of shoes to the back of the newly wed's transport would deter them from interference. Another belief is that shoes symbolise fertility (hence why Mother Goose's little old woman lived in a shoe).
The exchange or throwing of shoes once symbolised the fulfilment of a bargain, which, in the case of marriage, transferred the father's authority over the bride to her new husband. The Bride's father would give the groom one of her old shoes and the groom would tap the bride over the head with it, symbolising the acceptance of his new authority.
It was also considered to bring good luck to the bride and groom if their guests threw shoes at them, although one can only hope that their aims weren't too accurate. If the bride throws her shoe, it was thought that the one to catch it would be the next to marry, rather like the throwing of the bouquet. Finally, it was also considered lucky to get married in a pair of old shoes.
The meaning of "Bride"The word bride comes from old English being a name for 'cook', which explains a lot! While groom originated from 'male child' , it would be logically to think that bridegroom meant male cook. But it does not. Instead, bridegroom is a Germanic word meaning exactly what is appears to mean - simply, the man who is marrying the bride.
Bridesmaids and ushersBridesmaids and ushers originate from the Roman law that demanded ten witnesses be present at a wedding in order to dupe evil spirits who were believed to attend marriages with the view to causing mischief and disharmony. The bridesmaids and ushers all dressed in identical clothing to the bride and groom so that the evil spirits wouldn't know who was getting married. This explanation ties in with the bride's veil being an anti evil spirit device!
The meaning of "Wedlock"Wed is from old English (wedd) and old Scottish (wad) both meaning to pledge. Lock is old English (lac) and means carrying out an action. Therefore, the meaning of wedlock originally meant pledging property to the bride's father as payment for his daughter. Today, wedlock simply means the married state especially in the phrase born in wedlock or born out of wedlock, meaning a legitimate or illegitimate birth.
When to marryHere are two English rhyme that tells of your fate for marriages in each month:
And here's what each day of the week brings you:Married when the year is new,
He'll be loving, kind and true.
When February birds do mate
You wed nor dread your fate.
If you wed when March winds blow
Joy and sorrow both you'll know.
Marry in April when you can
Joy for maiden and the man.
Marry in the month of May
And you'll surely rue the day.
Marry when the June roses grow
Over land and sea you'll go.
Those who in July do wed
Must labour for their daily bread.
Whoever wed in August be,
Many a change is sure to see.
Marry in September's shine,
Your living will be rich and fine.
If in October you do marry
Love will come, but riches tarry.
If you wed in bleak November
Only joys will come, remember
When December's snows fall fast,
Marry and true love will last.Married in January's roar and rime,
Widowed you'll be before your prime.
Married in February's sleepy weather,
Life you'll tread in time together.
Married when March winds shrill and roar,
Your home will lie on a distant shore.
Married 'neath April's changeful skies,
A checkered path before you lies.
Married when bees o'er May blossoms flit,
Strangers around your board will sit.
Married in month of roses June,
Life will be one long honeymoon.
Married in July with flowers ablaze,
Bitter-sweet memories in after days.
Married in August's heat and drowse,
Lover and friend in your chosen spouse.
Married in September's golden glow,
Smooth and serene your life will go.
Married when leaves in October thin,
Toil and hardships for you begin.
Married in veils of November mist,
Fortune your wedding ring has kissed.
Married in days of December's cheer,
Love's star shines brighter from year to year.
Finally, the proverb "Prosperity to the man and happiness to the maid when married in June" comes from the ancient Romans. The month of June was named after Juno, the Queen of the Gods and the Goddess of women who was also seen as the protector of married life. The Romans believed that she blessed marriages that took place in her month.Monday for wealth. Tuesday for health. Wednesday the best day of all. Thursday for losses. Friday for crosses. Saturday for no luck at all.
Welsh love spoonsAccording to Welsh custom an admirer indicated his desire to woo a girl by carving her a wooden love spoon, from which the words spooning originated, meaning to act amorously, and spooned which means a sentimental lover. Designs could be elaborate and were full of symbolism with various shapes having different meanings:
Other Welsh customs include the bride removing a pin from her dress and throwing it over her shoulder as insurance for a happy marriage and another calls for the relatives of the bride to kidnap her on her arrival at church. The groom and his relatives then give chase with the end result being that whoever catches the bride will wed within the year.Heart I love you . Key You hold the key to my heart. Wheel I plan to work hard for you. Bell Let's get married. Links or beads The number utilised in the spoon indicates the desired number of children.
The wedding cakeThe wedding cake has a rich symbolic history of its own that is relatively forgotten today. The ancient Greeks threw cakes at the newly married couple, just as we throw confetti today. In Roman times, at the marriages of the upper classes, cakes made of flour, salt and water would firstly be shared by the bride and groom, which was thought to promise the couple a life of plenty, in both children and happiness. The remainder was then broken over the bride's head. The guests, believing they would share in the blessing it symbolised, would rush forward to procure a morsel for themselves. Furthermore, it was only the children born to a marriage sanctified in this way that qualified for the high sacred offices in Roman life, hence, not only did the cake provide the couple with future fertility, but also it promised their yet unconceived children with a propitious future.
A huge basket of dried biscuits was provided at the wedding ceremonies of the early Anglo Saxons where the guests would take one each and the remainder was shared amongst the poor. However, in later times the wedding guests would bring their own cakes, often spiced buns, which were piled into a huge mound. It was deemed to be good fortune if the bride and groom were able to kiss each other over the mountain of cakes, promising them life-long happiness and good fortune. Legend suggests that at about the time of King Charles II (1630-1685) a French chef, observing the tedious way that all the small cakes were piled on top of each other suggested icing the mound into one mass, out of which grew the traditional French celebration cake called the croquembouche. The many tiered, elaborately iced, traditional wedding cakes of today are based on the unusual shape of the spire of St Bride's church in London.
In Victorian times, the tradition of breaking the cake over the bride's head was believed to promote fertility and unmarried girls would pass a piece of the cake through the bride's wedding ring and place it under their pillow believing that they would dream of their future husband. In more recent times the cutting of the cake, once the sole responsibility of the bride, was symbolic of the bride's pending loss of virginity, and even now the wedding cake is often still regarded as a symbol of fertility, and its distribution among the guests is symbolic of the sharing of happiness - sharing is regarded as an important feature of all religions, hence the tradition of sending a piece of cake to those unable to attend the ceremony. -
Thanks for the thread it was very interesting...Hannah I told my dad that I had a question about the memorial partakers- 2004 had about 300 fewer partakers than the 2006 figures, which means more ppl became anointed. I said I would send it to the society but I would get in trouble HE said NO NO why would you think that?????? but i know better i would send it not under my name if I do ....by the way what did you daughter question??
It shows that there is no logic in the WTS thinking and that many things are decided arbitrarily, I am sure if we dig into history deeply enough we will find that during some wedding anniversaries murders took place. So they will also have to be banned like birthdays.