'To Whom Do They Belong There's Much Uncertainty!

by hillary_step 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    It is not a new revelation to see the striking and overwhelming parallels between the WTS, its modus operandi and the legalistic leanings of the Rabbis of ancient Israel. These ‘interpreters’ of the Law, developed Rabbinical prisons enclosed by walls of complex rules and regulations by which they held power over their adherents. Note how the WTS explains their actions :

    The decisions of the rabbis quoted in the Mishnah would affect the day-to-day lives of Jews everywhere. Indeed, Jacob Neusner comments: "The Mishnah provided Israel’s constitution. . . . It demanded assent and conformity to its rules." w98 5/15 29

    Now, look at this next ‘expose’ of the horrors of Talmudic thinking and ask yourself what it reminds you of:

    This new work—the Talmud—served the rabbis’ purpose. They set the rules of analysis, and it therefore taught people to think like rabbis. The rabbis believed that their method of study and analysis reflected the mind of God. Talmudic study itself became the object, a form of worship—the use of the mind supposedly in imitation of God

    They then describe in cameo, the very weaknesses of the WTS own methods of ‘interpreting’ the scriptures; their necessity to produce reams of attached clauses to the scriptures that fall within the areas of personal interpretation and then their insistence on others adhering to their views because they speak for God. Please note however, that those who questioned the revelations of Tannaim were not removed from the Synagogues.

    But what if some questioned whether the authority of the sages quoted in the Mishnah was really equal to revealed Scripture? The rabbis would have to show that teachings of the Tannaim (teachers of the oral law) found in the Mishnah were in perfect harmony with the Hebrew Scriptures. Further commentary became a necessity. They felt the need to explain and justify the Mishnah and prove that it originated with the Law given to Moses at Sinai…….Rather than being the final word on Judaism, then, the Mishnah became a new foundation for religious discussion and debate.

    An example of the development of this thinking is the teaching of an invisible presence of Christ, defended by the interpretation of the Greek word ‘parousia’ as ‘presence’ and not ‘coming’. The WTS is, to be fair, not the only NT interpreter to apply this scripture in such a manner, though arguably its is the most vociferous. Upon this interpretation is hung the concept of the ‘last days’, the 1914 chronology, the reason for WWI, the choosing of the WTS as an exclusive tool of God, etc etc.

    Try taking all the clothes in your wardrobe and hanging them on one frail hanger, then you have an idea of the veracity of the WTS as biblical interpreters.

    The prime source, imho, of the cognitive-dissonance suffered by most JW’s and indeed the WTS as an organization lies in the precarious balance they try to maintain sitting on the very fragile and shaky fence of a Judaic/Christian ideology. They are slowly being forced by their environment to choose where they stand.

    After all, he who sits on the fence, gets shot at from both sides.


  • lauralisa


    It's only water from a stranger's tear (Peter Gabriel)

  • larc


    As I think you know, I left many years ago. I remember one of the disparaging phrases that the JWs used regarding other religions was, "traditions of men". For the JWs, tradition was a bad word, even though they had plenty of their own, and their number of traditions have increased over time. Do they still use this phrase?

  • TMS


    Many excellent points! The irony for me is that the WTBS creates a Talmudlike prison for their adherents as well as a self-imposed stifling workload for themselves. The hundreds of rulings they must make on blood components, so-called neutrality issues, sexual practices, etc. make any real spiritual shepherding impossible. None of this makes anyone more Christlike.


  • hillary_step

    Hello Larc,

    Trust that you are well.

    LOL - yes, the ‘traditions of men’ - strange that you should mention that as it a phrase that is seldom referred to these days. It is though alive and well in the form of heavy emotional and practical burdens that the WTS relentlessly piles onto its hapless followers.

    I well remember when in the mid 70’s I questioned a member of the Branch Committee in England over an important theological matter that impacted the life of a family in my own Congregation. It involved wife-beating and the sexual abuse of a JW wife and her JW husband and the view of the WTS at the time, of how to deal with it.

    I questioned the WTS admonition of encouraging the wife to endanger her own life by remaining with a brutal husband, arguing that she had no right scriptually to knowingly endanger the body that God had given her by such an act. He peered at me with a dismal look on his face and uttered the words - "HS, leave this sort of issue to the GB and busy yourself in the Ministry".

    Stop thinking and start knocking! A quack medicine for every illness.

    The following is a quote that in principle issues forth daily from the WTS.

    A rabbinical legend represents the congregation of Israel as saying: "Lord of the universe, I have imposed upon myself more restrictions than Thou hast imposed upon me, and I have observed them all."

    Bully for them!

    Best regards - HS

  • SixofNine

    "bully" indeed!

  • hillary_step

    Hi TMS.

    Thank you for your comments. Never a truer word spoken -

    The hundreds of rulings they must make on blood components, so-called neutrality issues, sexual practices, etc. make any real spiritual shepherding impossible

    Incidentally, I am really looking forward to another instalment of your past experiences, in 'Long Nose' mode! It was one of the most evocative posts that I have read on this Board.

    Kind regards - HS

  • COMF

    To Whom Do We Belong

    Ourselves, podno mio. Each of us belongs to him/herself.

    Sadly, lots of folks choose to give ownership of themselves away... but that's their personal choice.


  • hillary_step

    Hello Comf,

    How is it going? Yes, I have changed the thread title to give a more accurate impression of what the post is about! Thanks for your comment.

    Keep those cymbals shimmering -- HS

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