For most of my 30 years in the 'Truth' (age 12-42 thereabouts) I have always doubted many many things taught from the Watchtower. However like many if not most of those brought up in it I got swallowed up in the whole social side of it. Bringing up children in it I told myself that it wasn't such a bad life after all. In the latter years I used to say to my 'elder' brother in law ( who also strongly doubted and now doesn't believe) that although it's not the 'Truth' it's a good way of life and the good things about it outweigh the bad. Therefore I stayed put for far too many years.
When, however a 'bad' thing, ie the blood issue, directly affected me I decide that I was wrong all the time. The bad definitely outweighs the good.
People living a supposed moral life with a large social circle does not outweigh people dying from the blood policy and families and friends torn apart because of the shunning policy.
Why did I not see it before? Possibly because it never affected me personally. I didn't know anyone who had died from the blood issue, I knew of no child abuse, there weren't many disfellowshippings, no divorces and I did enjoy many years of friendship with many people. Probably this is most peoples experience.
Coming to this website I now realize that there are a lot of people who have suffered greatly because of this religion throughout the world. The internet brings these widely distributed cases to my one little computer at home.
More importantly there are definitely more local cases of divorce, separation, disfellowshippings and families splitting apart as younger ones and those hitting their 40's leave.
In a way I'm glad that the 'blood' issue forced me into a decision.
Thomas Covenant