Gain is the demise of the WT
Pain is more deaths from no blood, more disfellowshippings due to apostasy etc.
The reason I ask? When the blood issue came up in my family it forced me to leave.
If a family have a disfellowshipping in the household because of 'apostasy', otherwise known as expressing doubts, or because of immorality, would this make other family members start to doubt the benefits of continuing in their halfhearted belief.
If the Society eased up on disfellowshipping and the blood issue then many more will think 'it's not all bad I'll stay in it and just do the bare minimum'. The more hardline the Society the more members will get fed up and leave.
Therefore is it better in the long run that people are suffering now ?
Thomas Covenant
PS I hope this has come across in the correct manner in which it is meant. Obviously I don't want people to suffer.