Lunch at Jason's Deli - JWs spotted

by Jim_TX 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim_TX

    (Now - that's NOT 'spotted' JWs - as in leopard spots...)

    My wife and I went to Jason's Deli (it's a soup and salad bar) today at lunch time... around 11:30-ish. When we got there, I noticed a group of about 3 or 4 people (among the crowd), that just didn't seem to 'fit' with the others... if you can understand that.

    Anyway, I made a quick scan of them, and made some observations about them. There was an older woman - longish dress - modestly dressed. There were three young gals, one was about 12 to 14 years - also wearing a dress - ankle length. (This one was the clue to their being JWs, as this is a place frequented by business people).

    So, we got our sandwiches and sat down to eat. This group was sitting at three small tables that they pushed together to make one large table. They were 'waiting' for others to arrive (by their actions, I could tell).

    I leaned over to my wife, and commented - "JWs" - and motioned the direction of the people. She started to observe them also. She mentioned, "They're praying." I told her, "Yes, but that does not necessarily mean they're JWs - others pray, too. Like the Catholics." There were other comments being made like "...but they don't have Catholic jewelry."

    One of the young gals... her attire was... shall we say - marginally acceptable - for a jw? She was a little 'hottie' and knew it - and had a sense of fashion, and was trying to dress accordingly - and yet within the limits of what is 'jw-acceptable'. Her dress was long, but it was fitted.

    Oh well. Before it was all over, a couple of 'brothers' joined them, and another 'sister' - and they were all sitting there enjoying their 'after service' lunch.

    I commented to my wife, "Ya know... this may be about the only 'social' interaction that these youngsters get."

    I also told her that I wasn't purposely looking for JWs - it just happens. They somehow 'popped' up on my radar. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. In a way, I think that it's a good thing that I can still spot 'em - just in case I need to beat a hasty retreat someday.


    Jim TX

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Funny, me and my wife were at a restaurant the other night 4 JWs came in and sat behind us. Didn't know who they where.

    All I heard was bathroom humor from them, they where kinda loud. Go figure.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    She was a little 'hottie' and knew it - and had a sense of fashion, and was trying to dress accordingly - and yet within the limits of what is 'jw-acceptable'. Her dress was long, but it was fitted.

    Isnt that sad that these young teens cannot be comfortable with their changing bodies and be accepted, being told to hide their natural beauty? Im not saying they should dress like ProstiTeens, but they are made to feel guilty if they even wear something that is just a little form fitting....or a little skin.

    We had some beautiful girls, as well as some beautiful women, in my previous congo. They were known in the circuit as the Melrose Girls (after the TV show Melrose Place with all its beautiful women).

    Reminds me of ...a single pioneer sister in another circuit, in her mid-40s now, always had a good sense of fashion, but always dressed modestly...I seen her at a wedding about 5 years ago and OMG! she was HOT!. all black, backless dress, plunging neckline...plunging for her (but still not showing too much), a bit form fitting...which I enjoyed.. I had never seen her wearing something that nice before. She was early 40s she still looks amazing as she creeps up on 50. ...and despite being one of her closest friends for so long, ...she doesnt have anything to do with me now.... the pressure to date for 2 singles hanging out together was too much for her to take. If she werent so brainwashed she could be happily married to someone...... If she could only come here and see she has wasted over 20 years of her life pioneering? .....maybe she could salvage the rest of her life.

    Dumb FUC*ING JW mindset!....

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "appreciating hotties, where's mine?" Sheep Class)

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