Hello all, Mr. Flipper again. When I was a witness, a lot of times I saw situations come up where someone was trying to be helpful to someone in need either spiritually, financially, emotionally or otherwise, and people would try to find fault with the good individual for helping someone. What causes people to do that to others, jealousy of their goodness or what? For instance my daughter a couple years ago, she was 19 at the time, left my ex-wifes house to live with a sister 47 and her daughter 20 who were in good standing in the congregation. They had been very kind to my daughter to put her up in a place with them. But immediately, the ex-wife started spreading gossip about the sister and her daughter because they did massage therapy for a living. She made people in the local congreagation think that her daughter was going to be "seduced because of men coming over to have massages in the sister's home" . The sister was devastated that these wrong motives were being imputed to her by my ex and the fact that the ex was gossiping about her and my daughter in the congregation. Forunately , a very heads up elder was made aware of the situation and long story short, gave a local needs talk on imputing wrong motives to others and gossipng about the brothers and sisters. So it worked out. But while it happens in the interim, when somebody shoots their mouth off about somebody falsely, have'nt you all found that it does a great deal of damage , which inevitably can be undoeable?? Please share your experiences in this, God knows I've dealt enough with it, have tried to educate my adult kids about people who are conniving. Peace to you all, Mr. Flipper
Were Wrong Motives Ever Imputed to You?
by flipper 9 Replies latest jw friends
well, I'm a massage therapist - had that happen often. Not just JWs - every asshole in the world with a phone thinks it's OK to call MTs and harass them.
All my friends were male. We had sleepovers all my life since we were babies. Then suddenly we weren't allowed to have them anymore even though we were blood related because it wouldn't look proper.
Mr. Flipper, they say the tounge is more powerfull than the rudder of a ship. And a lot of people like to wag their tounges.
Hortensia- Sorry to hear you got a lot of weird people calling. I'm sure you got a lot of harassment. People wanting more than massages. Mysterious- It's crazy they would look down on blood relatives staying with you, even though they are male. I think it's because they have improper thoughts and they think you would be like them. It's what's called projection. Jaguarbass- People do wag their tongues a lot don't they. It's just that sometimes nothing profitable is coming out Keep the thoughts comin'!!
It is a rarity that Jehovah's Witnesses EVER attribute a RIGHT motive to anyone. (except the GB, Elders, CO. DO--you get the picture)
Uninformed- Isn't it true that what others think about our motives really does'nt matter, all that really matters is if we knoe we are doing things of pure motive, the hell with what people think. God knows our hearts. End of story. Peace to ya all, Mr. Flipper
Witnesses would question my motives when I asked questions they didn't like or showed them something they didn't like. I asked two elders once the name of one person who was a current Watch Tower writer. They wanted to know WHY I wanted to know.
I told one elder I was reading Russell's work and I listed all I had read so far. He asked me why I 'd do that. I just flipped him and asked him why he wouldn't. Most books only take two or three days to read. The ones I studied and photocopied segments for my files only took a week to read.
I kind of enjoyed reading Russell's work. Reading Rutherford's stuff sucked. I liked reading Knorr and Franz's stuff because that's the stuff I grew up having to listen to. "The" book was "Let God Be True". That was followed by Let God Be Truer. I made a comparative study of them both.
The three main tactics a person who is avoiding the question will use are: 1) Question my motives ; 2) Poison the well, cast doubts on my source; or 3) Attack me personally.
If they do one of these three, that tells me they are on the run. The other thing they'll do if they are uncomfortable or feel challenged, is chant. Witnesses do this silently by flipping the pages in their books. It's how they block their minds from listening. If I ever see a Witness flipping pages, I quit talking until they stop. You who study with Witnesses and ask the Witnesses questions, watch for this. Let us know if you see it. -
This sounds less like imputing wrong motives (God, that is such Witness-speak!) amd more like venal jealously and slander.
Actually, I think people like that should have their tongues cut out. All under a doctor's care, of course.
In answer to your question, YES. I was a Witness, after all.
Gary- The elders probably questioned you about looking into Russell's work because they thought you'd find things which would refute their current beliefs and takes on things. They are dumb as rocks and couldn't explain anything to you.They are paranoid anyway! Zack- It's true there is a very fine line between imputing wrong motives to someone and gossiping about them, if there is any difference at all.Peace to you, Thanks, Mr. Flipper