So a young man and a young woman approached my new investment property yesterday and opened with the line,..."hi, we are just talking to people in the neigborhood about Jesus." They were dressed in street clothes so I was kind of taken aback. They are missionaries and there are group of about 15 of them that are attending to my neigborhood and surrounding neigborhoods. They said that God put it on their heart to minister to my very "on the fringe" neighborhood. After talking to these people for awhile I understood that they weren't there just to go door to door and trying to start "free home bible studies". They are working with the many poor families and especially trying to help the poor children in need. They also want to come over and give me a hand on my house free of charge. So JW's out there, is yet another example of another group out "in the ministry" "preaching the good news". What was refreshing was that these people weren't robots,...unlike the JW approach. They actually gave me their phone number and want me to call them soon so that they can come over and lend me a hand. In comparison to the JW door to door work,...these people seemed really genuine and loving. It was apparent that they weren't simply trying to convert but to show love for their neighbor. I just found this experience very interesting and wanted to share.
Door to door non-denomination christians
by Bob Loblaw 9 Replies latest jw experiences
Just by hearing them say that they talk about Jesus that surely puts them beyond the JWs who would never make Jesus the centre of their preaching. You are right preaching should be a lot more than passing dry biblical knowledge it should have a social and emotional dimension something the JWs do not or rather pretend they do not understand.
The WTS is only interested in serving its own interests and not those of its members.
The WT is certainly wrong if they think that they are the only ones involved in a "preaching work". There are many Christians who go out on "visitation" as they often call it, just visiting their neighbours and engaging in relationship evangelism. People first, then preaching. You have to earn the right to share your faith with them. I have done it myself and my kids have done it too. The idea is that the relationship endures even if the evangelism doesn't because you truly do care about the needs of the person. I don't see this happening in the WT at all--once you are not interested in the message, on they will move to their next victim.
I am so glad you did share this with us, Bob! What a pleasant change from combing the neighborhoods looking to suck in potential converts for the Watchtower Society! To hear of those that are willing to roll up their sleeves and TRULY befriend people whie spreading the Gospel so heartwarming to hear.
We all know that "help" is offered by the JW community only on a contingency basis, and only to those that are undergoing the WTS indoctrination program. Once the person stops the program---the help and the "friendship" dries up and blows away!
And yet, everywhere you go---a JW will proudly proclaim that "only THEY" are organized to preach the Good News (supposedly as Jesus did)---as the big feather in their cap.
wow thats is really different from what we're forced to do every saturday morning...damn those ulterior motives of conversion to the brotherhood! hahahaha ha(evil laugh)
They mention a name of a church or anything? Or did they just take it on themselves to go to complete strangers homes ? I'd be real leary of it myself. I don't trust people like that , next thing you know stuff disappears from the house.
When I had to leave my husband and come to stay with my parents a few years back I was destitute, homeless and had 3 and 1/2 children. Since I was DFed none of my parent's JW cronies could help me out, of course. Over the next few months several Christian groups in my new town helped me move into an apartment, brought me food, clothes, furniture, a crib for my new baby, etc. A 7th Day Adventist couple became my friends and used to leave food "anonymously" on my doorstep. None of these people insisted that I attend their church groups or study the Bible with them, although the invitation was always open.
This is the TRUE Christian Ministry.
The JW religion only practices this sort of thing when they are trying to get a convert. During this same time the entire JW congo in my town rented and renovated a house, furnished it, and supplied food and clothing to the non JW sister of one of its members. She was leaving her husband and needed help. I heard later that she wasn't really interested in becoming a Witness so they all vanished into the woodwork, leaving her to go back to her abusive spouse.
I just watched a testimony on "Religion and Ethics" on PBS about a congregation in Chicago that's going out every Sat for 6 months to meet the neighbors and see what they could do to help.They gave away food and clothes and help...really cool.They plan to do it every year. They suspend all their in-house programs to get everyone involved. It seems to me, if you aren't living in a way that makes people ASK what you've got, you may not have much. Christians aren't salesmen. They are supposed to KNOW we are Christians by our LOVE-not our door-to-door evangelizing. One thing I regret as a former witness is that it kept me so isolated from the very people I wanted to share with. Now I feel comfortable talking and spending time with all kinds of folks in all kinds of emotional & spiritual levels. Sometimes they ask for advice, sometimes they just need to unload, but I don't feel the need anymore to sell them on a whole organization!
Bob Loblaw
Heathen, -"They mention a name of a church or anything? Or did they just take it on themselves to go to complete strangers homes ? I'd be real leary of it myself." I hear you. I am definitely somewhat of a skeptic. I haven't quite figured what this group is completely about, but there visit was a welcome change from the JW approach. They stopped by yesterday for a few minutes and scheduled to help me with my house today. Unfortunately I had too many errands to run and told them that they are welcome to help sometime this week. During their visit i recieved a little more info from them. Their group is called People of Praise. I've been so busy lately i haven't had an extra second to read through their website but here it is if you want to check it out: