So, last night we were working in our garage, we want the WHOLE garage as a banquet hall for our 4th blowout instead of only half like last year. Going through boxes, I found the mother-lode of old JW books!
My old collection of Lit!
Yearbooks from the 40's, 50's bound volumes when they were just binders you would put your year's worth of mags into...
The whitewashed Proclaimers and Mankind's Search for God books..
Organized book, the TMS guidebook All Scripture is Inspired....
I just boxed em all up years ago, I never thought I would value them again, but now I do for reasons the WTS would not appreciate.
tee hee, me so bad.
That was only ONE of the many great finds we made when we conquered Cardboard Mountain, lurking there in the corner, we found my daughter's Baby Pics and her first little tiny dress and toy, long lost these many years in a mislabeled corrugated prison, and a memento or two of the few good moments in my childhood. Just a few small thing to remind me that there WAS a time before it all went bad for so long.
There are MORE boxes out there, I can't wait to get into em!
I know I have The Harp of God out there still waiting to be found.
Roller (of the 'Indiana Jones' sheep class)