with all the WT society's money? How about setting up an education fund for the children any anyone who was ever a JW? (I didn't want to hijack the thread about "would you ever return")
what would you do...
by Hortensia 7 Replies latest jw friends
horrible life
That is perfect Hortensia!! Now lets not sell off the governing body. Since they are "slaves" , I would like the first dibs on them coming to my house for a week, to be my butler. I will then put them on a Greyhound bus to the next exJW home.
choosing life
Definately reorganize the religion into one that focused on community responsibility and charity work. Then I would stop the useless expenditure of time and money being spent on their preaching work and encourage all to spend what time they could on improving their neighborhoods and doing charity work.
I would buy houses for abused women and children. I would also buy education centers for them. I would let them live in the houses for next to nothing while they got an education to better their lives and their childrens lives, then if they wanted to stay in the house after completing their education, they could buy the house for a nominal fee which would be used for more houses and education centers. If it happened to be a child only, there would be a big center for the kids with full time staff of course.
Give back in a retirement fund for all those who serve(d) full time in the preaching work and at Bethel. Too many old timers coming out of the WTS without anything to look forward in their old age but more physical work just to get by on, it's a shame and pitiful. Shame on the WTS!
I dont like the wactower society. But I'm not convinced they have all that much money. The religion is more about misleading people than making money.
The witnoids dont tithe. And they are not educated so for the most part none have much to give. They give the magazines away and most go straight to the rubbish.
They are not in the same league as the catholics or scientologist or baptist as far as collecting monies.
If they were about making money they would encourage education and tithing.
Thats just my opinion.
choosing life
If they are in the league of the Catholics and the Scientologists they are doing very well financially. Both of these are quite wealthy.
I think the WTBTS is land rich, for sure, they own a lot of property. They have all sorts of investments, and I know people leave them money in their wills - my mother left them $50,000.00. So I think they are doing rather well, especially as they don't seem to spend it lavishly, they just accumulate it.