Amazing how much time I have with my family now.

by lrkr 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • lrkr

    I have been fading pretty fast over the last several months. It is amazing how much time service, meetings and the before and after meeting socializing takes away from your life. I have noticed that I have more time to spend with my family, my marriage feels better and I spend more one-on-one time with my son. In general, it is relaxing not to have to worry about getting everyone cleaned up and to a meeting or service 3-5 times a week. Much less stress.

    And when I start to feel guilty about missing a meeting I look at what I'm doing instead (playing catch with my kid, on a walk with my wife, developing a business relationship, etc) and the guilt pretty much fades away. Especially when I consider the alternative (sitting with my kid bored out of his mind and my wife falling asleep in a meeting where someone who is a poor speaker is using the same 10 scriptures to drum guilt and fear into your head.)

    Wondering if my experience is uncommon.

  • R.F.

    Not uncommon at all!

    You're feeling the same way as many of us. I for one have spent more time with my family with the extra time and i'm loving it!

    Cherish this. Always think about how it's benefiting your family. You won't regret it.


  • misanthropic

    I'ts nice to be able to actually enjoy your life isn't it? Getting ready for meetings, service, assemblies and all of that was always a hectic time full of fighting and bickering when I grew up.
    It's nice to not have to deal with all that now, but I wish my family had more "family" type things instead of just religious things most of the time.

  • zack

    I am way less stressed than i have ever been. Just knowing that i don't have to attend the mental embalming is a source of joy!

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    Enjoy! The quality of your life is getting better and better. It's great not to be scheduled 24-7. Being a dub is like having a second job with overtime. Long-term, your son will benefit greatly from spending more time with you and getting guidance from you, not the Borg.

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