Why are "Born-Agains" distancing themselves from the term "born-again"?

by booker-t 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • booker-t

    I remember in the 80's all you would ever hear was "I am a born-again christian" or "I am born-again" or Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Every other word was Jesus. Now in the year 2007 Born-Agains seem to run away from the term "Born-Again". If you ask a christian if they are born-again they will sometimes answer your question with another question such as "What do you mean Born-Again"? Or they will sometimes say "I prefer to say I am "Spirit-filled" or sometimes they will say I am just a christian that believes in Jesus". If you notice not one of these are a direct answer to your question. And what really amazes me is how Christians especially on this website, are constantly condemning JW's for doing similar things. If that is not the pot calling the kettle black.

  • Warlock

    Because "Born-Agains" believe in reincarnation.


  • jaguarbass

    Now in the year 2007 Born-Agains seem to run away from the term "Born-Again

    I'm thinking the people you are talking to in 2007 are not born agains. Relgion for a lot of people is a growing phase. They are probably into Nascar now, or dead.

    Maybe the born again phase is over, or your not talking to born agains.

    The hippies came out about 1967. If you go up to a hippie today, they probably wont claim to be a hippy, but they will appear to you to be a young person into drugs and music and thrift store and tie dyed clothes.

  • JeffT

    Maybe we're just tired of people who don't know us making up stuff to fill in the blanks in their ignorance.

  • MadTiger

    Hippy doesn't equal drugs or tie dyes or long hair or bad hygiene.

  • jaguarbass

    Hippy doesn't equal drugs or tie dyes or long hair or bad hygiene. Mad tiger how would you know if your 39, something you read in a fiction book?

  • MadTiger

    Studied various counter cultures for over 20 years.

  • MadTiger

    Wikipedia is fairly accurate on this stuff:


  • ozziepost


    Dunno about the good ole US of A, but downunder it's not a term that had general currency and nowadays you seldom here it, or at least I never hear it, perhaps it's the preserve of charismatic circles?

    what really amazes me is how Christians especially on this website, are constantly condemning JW's for doing similar things

    You're not comparing like for like; the dubs will answer as they do because they deny heaven to most of their members, whereas all christians have a heavenly hope.

    I guess that for your argument to to be true, you'd need to show that christians amongst themselves use the term but deny it to 'outsiders'. However, that's not my experience. In all my time at christian conventions, meetings, study groups and the rest, I don't recall it being used.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    I think everyone started claiming they were "born-again". Maybe they are trying to change their image and keep their individuality.

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