help! need words to a song by kenny rogers

by the sage 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • the sage
    the sage

    Looked on google, ask, and yahoo but can't fine words to a song by kenny rogers. Thought about this forum. Maybe someone ot there can help me. The title could be, the crucifiction, or, a little more like me. The opening verse, I believe goes something like this: It was a sunny day the clouds were gray, it looked like it might rain, I thought about the night before and I was so ashamed. When I heard what they had done to him the stranger I had known. I'm sure I would have liked him more if he were a little more like me. Appreciate your help. Thanks!

  • SPAZnik
  • SPAZnik

    if you do track them down, looks like these people are looking for them too:

  • SPAZnik

    if you're in the states looks like you could play it here and transcribe it yourself????

  • yaddayadda

    Please don't block up this bible research board with this kind of junk.

    Spaznik why did you help this idiot out.

  • Twitch


    I believe the original poster realized the post was in the wrong category and re-posted appropriately with consideration of this point in mind.

    And kudos to Spaznik for trying to help

    That's all I gotta say 'bout that,.....

  • juni

    What Twitch said.


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