What happened to unclebruce?

by sass_my_frass 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Unclebruce once posted pictures of his cottage, and I bookmarked it. I've just booked us into it for our anniversary weekend...

    I haven't seen him around lately, and his wife didn't seem to know about any discussion board called JWD (she asked, "how did you find out about us", the effective marketing question). If her husband is unclebruce, she doesn't know he's on a discussion board. Hopefully I haven't caused a situation...

  • lisavegas420

    Wasnt' there some rumors going on about him and a sheep?

    just kidding...


  • jgnat

    Your possible faux pax reminds me of an awkward situation when I was part of an artist's guild in central Alberta.

    While there, I attended a week-long life drawing class. We had nude models for a whole week, but the model on the last day didn't show up. The instructor managed to coax one of the local organizers to "stand in" so to speak. The young man was a pleasure to draw, all leanness and angles.

    A few weeks later, I ran in to the young artist and his wife at a local gallery, as they were dropping off some of their pottery. I had that deja vu moment; I knew I'd seen his face. I was about to say, "We've met somewhere before," when I remembered.


    I backed out of the gallery in confusion. That was close....

  • deeskis

    Hi Sas

    He's been busy with lots of things away from the boards, doing a tafe course etc. I think that He was looking after the place that you mentioned but doesn't live there full time.

    Hope you have a great anniversary break.........btw I'm at the snow next week with the family, and again 2nd week Aug........are you getting some time there? Have you heard from Mrs P? We still haven't done the Cannyfest :(

    Best wishes


  • sass_my_frass

    Hey Dee

    There's something confusing about the setup - it's actually three cottages on at least two different properties. The couple owns two of them, and they sold a third to somebody else and rent it out on their behalf. Unclebruce built at least one of them. I couldn't work out if he was half of the couple who let them out, or the guy who bought the one that was sold, or if he meant 'my place' as in the place he built and somebody else owns. No biggie, looks nice regardless.

    I once had Mrs P's number, and called it, and it was disconnected. Haven't seen her around either...


    I took Mr Frass to Perisher the other day (just for the day) and he's still upset about his knees (he took a few ugly twisty falls, it was his first day on skis). We made a deal that if after five days he still hates skiing, he never has to go back again. Basically I've got four days left to get him into it or I never ski again. We're on-snow at Perisher on the weekend 19 - 21/7, and we have a week off on 30/7 - 5/8 when I hope to go up for one day - we could arrange to meet up there? Also, my birthday is 16/8 and I might insist on a day trip as a present.

  • ozziepost

    It might be best to not divulge too much in the way of personal details unless express permission has been given.

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