Between the octopus and the squid!!!:
Possible missing link found!!!
by MadTiger 8 Replies latest social current
Thats like saying chimps are a transitional species betwixt humans and spider monkeys.
I love this stuff!!!
I thought you were writing about a web link when I clicked the subject.
It sure is a beautiful creature created by Jehovah.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but, scientists already knew about this squid. They just never named it.
If you really want to appreciate the beauty and consideration of Jehovah's creation; watch this video of one of his most artfully designed creatures!
Praise Jah!
Watch Jehovah's creature feeding!
HONOLULU (AP) _ A rarely seen squid that normally dwells deep in the ocean appeared at a Big Island lab after being sucked up by a water pipeline last week.
The creature appeared to be half-squid, half-octopus because it was missing its two tentacles and had only its eight arms.
But an analysis by University of Hawaii experts revealed the creature to be a little-known squid species that scientists are aware of but have yet to name.
The creature normally lives at depths between 900 to 28-hundred feet. The pipeline sucks up water from three-thousand feet below the surface, however, indicating the squid also appears at lower depths. -
read good books
I am for keeping all the creatures on this planet confined to the ones created by God, unlike like creatures like the spider goat created by the genetic engineers working for the global elite.