Okay - This is A little Confusing

by pettygrudger 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    What does one make of all these current recent events w/the JW's? I must admit, I'm a little nervous. Since I was a child it was reinforced that there would be these situations against JW's (slowing of the preaching work, restrictions on their ability to preach), as well as the ever well known belief that eventually God will have found all his "true followers" out of this system of things, and the new "dubs" enlisting would dwindle (which is happening if you look at the stats). Is anyone else nervous about this, or am I just still so emotionally/mentally indoctrinated that I'm "not seeing the forest for the trees"?

    Sorry, having a little anxiety attack at the moment (nightmares again last night for the 10th time in the last month!).

  • Yerusalyim


    It's just the WTBTS covering all it's bases, don't you remember hearing how the GROWTH of the Society World Wide was a sign of God's blessing. The hedged bet against shrinking numbers was put in place in case this started to happen. Let me do it this way.

    See my financial growth, it's a sign of God's favor on me. But one day that bank account will begin to shrink, as must surely happen. This is the attack of the evil one on me. It's bound to happen, and surely means the end is near.

    OK for a few years my financial statement is all in the black, = God's Favor. Lack of financial growth now doesn't mean God no longer favors me, but that the end is near and I'm still in God's favor.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Xena

    Sometimes I wonder too petty...but you know what even when I went I never thought I was going to make it anyway (neither did my sisters lol) so I figure I might as well enjoy the time I do have and let the future take care of itself....

    If there is a God and he is interested in us I would like to think he is a lot more just and mercyful than most JW's and other religious groups make him out to be.....

  • wannahelp2

    The JW's claim to be god's earthly channel of communications, right? That would mean that they have claimed to have spoken in God's name? Right? This being true, they have made prophetic errors in god's name. Check the bible, and you will see what God himself said of prophets that speak in his name:

    -- Revised Standard Version --

    Deuteronomy 18:20 - But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.'

    Deuteronomy 18:22 - when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him.

    Now, look at their prophecies they have made over the years.. How many of them have come true? NONE!

    Then, to address your fear I say this (From the inspired word of GOD himself):

    Deuteronomy 18:22 - when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him.

  • Seeker
    as well as the ever well known belief that eventually God will have found all his "true followers" out of this system of things

    Not possible. Every day, thousands of people are born around the world. Every day, thousands of people become adults. Every day, thousands of people exist who have never heard of JWs. Every day, potential "true followers" are born, live, and die. This will never end, and thus for the JW belief to be true there would have to come a day when Jehovah says, "Well, I have to end it sometime, and although there are a whole bunch of new babies just being born today it's too bad for them, isn't it?"

  • RedhorseWoman

    As has been pointed out, the WTBTS has covered every base. Increases mean that the end is near and Jehovah is blessing His organization.

    Decreases mean that the end is near and Jehovah is sifting out the "unworthy".

    Increases (such as those that are happening right now since 9/11) mean that the end is near and Jehovah is blessing His organization.

    Whatever happens is being used to show that the JWs are the "true" religion. Funny, though, all of the other cults use exactly the same logic and reasoning to prove that "they" are the true religion.

  • roybatty

    >>these situations against JW's (slowing of the preaching work, restrictions on their ability to preach),<<

    Just like someone else said, they're covering all the bases. And it's also very effective at scarying any on-the-fence JWs back in line. People like to have security blankets, and to many the WT is their's. Predictions like "Peace and Security", jeez, how many times have you heard at the meetings "Yup, look at (fill in the organization) said in the newspaper." Or when something really bad happens or when church attandence is down, again the WT says "another sign of the last days." But never do they comment when for the last 10 years crime has been down or people are better off (well, at least here in the USA). And you can bet the farm that they will use the recent expose' as another "sign of the last days" and how Jesus words that "former brothers" would attack true Christians.
    Throw the security blanket away and enjoy life.

  • SixofNine

    This is something I commented on a month or so ago... taking the reasoning that has you quaking, and applying it to the bible.

    BTW, bible believer, so comfy in the notion that your own book said there would be scoffers; realize this: it doesn't take a prophet or even a wise-person to realize that when one makes extraordinary claims, perhaps even extraordinarily wacky claims, there will be scoffers, and people will oppose those claims. As well they should.

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