Hi everyone back in May I wrote about marrying my b/f whose not a witness...the advice you all gave was very helpful...however my b/f has decided that it would be better for us to be friends for a while while i sort out what i want and he needs to do the same...i agreed with him..but its been VERY HARD.... he says that my parents are influencing me so much,which is true. I want to move out and live on my own for a while after I graduate next june....so thats my plan for now.....I have a job and my school schedule all planned out..i just need to save money....i still have feelings for him but i hurt him in the past with my indecisiveness and he doesnt want to go through that again and i dont blame him...i need the space to figure myself out some more...but we still talk all the time....today he said that he just wants me to get myself together and that he'll wait for me....while he gets himself together with school and stuff,which is what i want.....so thats how it is for now...no marriage in the next year or so....i will be doing what you all said finishing school, meeting new ppl, trying to have fun(with the limited freedom my parents give me), move out and live on my own first ....then see where we stand....... Thats all for now....bye
Update on Marrying a Non-Witness
by why??? 7 Replies latest social relationships
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/20/134928/1.ashx this was the original post.
Hey there,
I think being on your own, taking care of yourself and being independant before getting married or living with someone is very important!!
You can do it, I know you can. Sometimes things will be tough, but that's what life is all about
Stay in touch
THANKS ex-nj-jw I appreciate that...its very hard emotionally so far...but maybe with time it will get better....
You sound very young. Are you still in high school? It is hard to keep your senses when those emotions are heated by young love. We've all been there, so we know what you're going through. It's good to hear that you are listening to good advice and giving yourself and your boyfriend some space before jumping into a permanent commitment. Your boyfriend must really love you a lot to be so understanding, so you are a very lucky girl.
Once you do decide it is time to get married, pre-marital counseling would be well advised. There are people specifically trained to help young folks understand the pitfalls of an ill-advised union, and they can save you a lot of emotional pain.
In the meantime, enjoy your freedom to explore ideas, skills, and the world around you. You won't regret taking time and doing things the right way.
Best wishes,
I know i sound young..but I'm not in HS. I'll be graduating College next year, I'm 21. I sound young because I'm treated like I'm a child still but i have my head on straight I might be a little confused now but ....I'm sorting it out with time and research. I ramble a little when I write because I have no one else around me who understands and I need to get it out, so bear with me lol. Any other advice or opinions are appreciated.
I highly recommend trying it on your own first. You will have a better understanding of independence, responsibility, money saving, all in all life's issues. You will appreciate things very differently if you go from your father's house to your husbands. Remember that nothing in life is a guarantee, you need these life lessons just in case something were to happen to you spouse or to the relationship. It is very hard to go back home if either where to happen.
My very very young sister in law just married shy of 19 (jw) and is now wondering what happened.
Welcome !!
i promise you one thing............... when you move out of your parents realm of influence and pay your own bills.......... it goes along way towards makeing you ready for a relationship which can lead to marriage.
at least it did for me