I know the memorial figures are not a very good indicater of how the borg are doing but the figures can certainly be compared with last years.I guess there won't be a worldwide figure yet but possably there will be totals for some individual countries available. I am from the U.K. and the totals will probably have been published in the Kingdom Ministry by now.
Has anyone the attendance figures for 2007 memorial?
by alanv 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sorry about the delay in posting the memorial figures.
We had 196 in attendence (about 105 publishers) at the memorial.
Rub a Dub
There going way up cause you got to follow the christ just like Rutherford said
I'm also curious about the attendance figures because the memorial is supossedly the annual meeting in which witnesses traditionally have gone all out to get all and sundry to attend. In western countriesn in recent years, there has been a clear stagnation of numbers attending the memorial Do any posters have access to the figures for their own country - which once were published in the Kingdom Ministry?
I dont think the figures will be out for a while yet.
I have charted the memorial and since 1979 the memorial is always between 2.5 and 2.8 times the average publisher figure; over the last 10 years it has been 2.6 times almost every year.
I would estimate that since publisher growth has almost stagnated the memorial growth is likely to have as well. Therefore we are likely to see just under 6.6 million pulbishers and 17 million at the memorial.
Thanks JWfacts. Your point is well taken, with the added aspect that memorial attendances seem to be more obviously stagnating in western countries - consistent with the view that most of the new 'growth' in these countries is coming from those raised in the religion in contrast to years ago, when the new growth came from new converts.
hey JWFacts - have you been charting the memorial since time immemorial?
<i thought that was funny - oh dear> -
All I know is that our attendance was way down, but I don't know by how much because I haven't been there since. Usually, extra chairs have to be set up and people are sitting in the library. Not this year. I counted at least 30 empty seats and not chairs had to be set up.