Since knowing JWs, in respect to DF stuff, I've expereinced:
1 male going to jail over sex with 2 under aged females
1 male inpregnating a JW female while being engaged to another female and seeing another female on the side ALL AT THE SAME TIME
1 male put in jail and is still there
1 male avoiding commenting and slobbering over females other than his wife (which was normally in front of his wife), because I didn't think it was appropriate(his words), NOT because it's the wrong thing to do or it hurts her, or something God would not approve of
1 male groaning (in a sexual way) over a female JW taking her coat off, and touching her head all the time when he has another JW girlfriend
---should I go on?
All these were different JW males. See a pattern here?
If you're in the "TRUTH" and lurking here, and you think your people are something different and special.....think again, God is neither director or a backer of your false organization or the people in it. Ponder this, and the org's history. What an embarrasement, truly.