I was wondering... I have been avoiding someone on the phone for months. I usually keep my cell phone off for days and weeks at a time. But somehow whenever I do turn my phone on, I get a call within a couple of minutes.. Now at first I thought it was just a coincidence.... but not anymore, It happens EVERY time i turn on my phone. Is there some software out there that will show a person when you have turned on your phone and it connects to the network? It's creeping me out.
For people who know anything about cell phones and computers.
by roflcopter 8 Replies latest jw friends
not that i've ever heard of, but, i know phones have a built in g.p.s. and have heard of people being tracked through them.
You should be able to block that persons number so they can't call you anymore.
On my cell phone I can restrict calls I don't want! Don't know about tracking software.
In the UK, from a BT landline, you can dial a persons number, and if it is engaged, or unobtainable, you can press 4 (if you subscribe to the service) and it will call that number when it is available. So you put your phone down, then it will start ringing, so you pick it up, when you pick it up, your phone starts calling the person you tried to call but was busy, then it rings out in the normal way. So yeah, your phone would start ringing as soon as it became available. However i have no idea if that works in your country. And I have a sneaky suspicion it's mostly for busy tone calls. But the technology is available to do what you have described. I would say the person probably works in telecoms, and/or IT. (my partner has a telecoms company) I would answer the phone and scream in a really high pitched voice really really loudly. Don't say anything then hang up. Do it the next time they ring, do it everytime they ring, they'll get bored before you do. You could bar the persons number, but if they are trying to contact you that hard, then my guess is they will just use another phone. So try the screaming thing.
However, it could also be a problem with your handset and/or your network. I'd check those things out first! lol!
I dont think so rolf
Once I had two girl friends and when one would call with in 5 mins EVERY SINGLE TIME the other would call. I was getting paranoid but lol it ended up they never knew each other.
Weird shiznit can happen.
OHHH I just thought of something... Do you have IM on your phone? If so and they are on your list and your IM signs in auto when you turn the phone on, they could be seeing you turn it on.
I work for a cell phone company. There is no such software. In fact, it would be a violation (in the United States) of FCC regulations. Are you positive the person is actually calling you at the time, or is the phone just ringing with the missed call message? If you do have IM that automatically signs in on your phone as status: mobile then that could be a possibility.
I always get calls from people I dont want to talk to. I just dont answer the phone. If it is somone I want to talk to they leave a message and I call them back. I learned that in rocket science 101.