Each Cong. has them. Those Witnesses that are lazy, go from job to job, and just becasue the are "zealous" for the Truth they expect help from other. I remeber one Elder (married with one child) expected people to give him and his wife gas monie to go out on service.
Free Loader in the KH
by thepackage 8 Replies latest jw friends
This complaint was my pet peeve and at the top of my list. I despise anybody who has this attitude.
Sadly, there were people there who didn't want to work for a living and went from job to job making a half-hearted attempt at work. They were irresponsible and always expected other people to "help them out". They always wanted to be out in service and were oh, so "zealous". Well, what about "counting the cost"???
While I have to say that this was not everybody, there were some nervy individuals like this there and they made me sick. I was able to distinguish which ones were just unfortunate souls from the others who were definitely users. The problem is: these people had help thinking this way. The religion promotes this attitude.
I always made sure I stayed the hell away from them.
Free loading starts at the top. The biggest abusers of "He who doesn't work, neither let him eat" are the members of the GB, then the DOs and especially the COs, all lazy, worthless, big mouths who sponge off others. These negative exemplars and role models should be starved by the great crowd and then the issue would be a moot one.
We had one sister who insisted on driving when territory was very nearby. The group
would virtually always want to go on return visits or at least to the coffee shop after
the territory. The sister would say "I don't have enough gas to go there. I will have to
stop for gas. I think I have a dollar or two for that." She was always looking for the
others to help fill her tank out of guilt.I would organize groups and NEVER let her drive, even putting her in my group just
so I can insist. A couple of times, she tried this scam on me when I thought she might
not be doing it anymore so I said, "No, take us back to the hall and we'll get in my car." -
One theocratic sister comes to mind, she was certifiably crazy (and did get professional help) while she was unemployed she decided she wanted to pioneer, along with her going to college (gasp!) !! I must say though that one of the elders whom even to this day is called a knucklehead by some of those still in the borg told her that she shouldn't be pioneering if she chooses to attend college, that she should seek employment first ! ! !
I recall my parents always donating to "poor Sis. Bunny and her daughter".
Let the _itch get a friggin job ! ! !
keyser soze
just becasue the are "zealous" for the Truth they expect help from other.
And they usually get it, just because they are zealous for the truth. Meanwhile, those who aren't quite as zealous, who genuinely do need help are virtually ignored.
I am in agreement with your comment. The freeloader attitude starts at the top. The fact that these people are against higher education and their bad advice has hurt many only adds insult to injury. It cannot be underestimated how many people have been hurt by this policy.
They are still speaking against higher education at assemblies and the fact that there are impressionable young people there who are hearing this is tragic.
It is a common occurance in the UK to pioneer then deliberately work short hours and get the state to top up with benefits due to a low income.
(Maybe the UK benefit system is too easy to scam)
I am talking about people who were quite capable of holding down a full time job, not disabled or incapacitated in any way.
Our local needs items often covered supported the pios in various ways such as money, gifts and inviting to join families for meals days out etc.
We had 1 local pio sister who used to get very friendly with her RV's ,especially elderly ladies and was given cars (old but road worthy), clothes etc because they felt sorry for her.
It irks me that people use my dad for rides to the hall, service, assemblies, even for Dr visits....yet they NEVER pay him or give him a cent for gas.