I just got off the phone with my ex-wife (we where talking about the kids) and out of the blue she starts tellnig me how much everybody at teh KH is supportive of her (she files for divorce after I decided not to go to meetnigs any more. N I did not cheat on her). Any ways, she star5ts naming names of all the people that "love" her and how she is a better Dub now than ever. Well, that put me over the top, she we have been sperataed, I've recieved countless calls from her JW friends telling me how much they hate her and what a bad person she is. Just yesterday I call a call from one of her "best friends" telling me she can't believe what a b*tch my ex is and how better off I'm with out her. My old KH has 6 Elders and 5 of them have called me to tell me that they support me even though I'm not going to meetings and wish that me ex would move halls. They (the Elders) are tired of her playing the "poor me" card. My point is this, I hat two-faced people. I hate the fact that all these JW calll me and talk sh*t about my wife (which by the way I agrre with), then when she is at the meeting, they hug and give her the "how are you holding up" line. Without mentioning names to my ex I warmed her to be carefully becasue all she is being told is true. Just venting hear. That's for listening.
Fight with ex-Wife
by thepackage 9 Replies latest jw friends
Hey sorry you are going through such a tough time divorce is no picnic!
I hate the fact that all these JW calll me and talk sh*t about my wife (which by the way I agrre with), then when she is at the meeting, they hug and give her the "how are you holding up" line.
Seriously it begins and ends with you, if you don't listen to it or contribute to it, it stops. Hang up the phone it's all crap and drama and who needs it?
Good luck with the whole mess.
bikerchic: True i should not listen. I really don't respond when they do call me but I do realize I have to stop talking with them (JWs). I try to be nice on the phone. I just hate two-face JW's.
Hey I don't mean to sound harsh or rude I also hate two-faced people and gossip. I've learned to simply say "none of my business" and it's so freeing you don't have all that negative garbage filling up space in your head. I am truly sorry for your troubles and I hope things calm down for you soon.
bikerchic: you are not harsh or rude. I really appreciate your words and time. I do feel anger after I speak with JW's, and that is not healthy. THANKS!!!!!!!
Hello Amigo,
Just viewing you situation.. Well, all I can suggest is to pray for you wife and try to work it out. If that has been attempted. Please pray to JESUS because the Holy Spirit is the
only one that can change her. And for the others calling and playing the double face. Well, all I can say is to really examine the type of fellowship you have. Especialy, the elders. They
are suppose to have the wisdom of the church and they are to show the example. Show the love of JESUS and bring this situation to an understanding and prayer. Our loving JESUS says
to bring the elders to pray for one another. Remember, JESUS is love. Any one who treats you bad or says stuff bad. Treat them good. Show the first fruit of JESUS whihc is (LOVE). Jesus is LOVE and he had to endure lots. If repentence or forgiveness is suppose on your part. Do so. JESUS will bless you for this. The last thing JESUS wants is seperation.
One more thing - The only one which can help is GOD(JESUS). Human is a Human we are all the same. PRAY.. Just speak to him. Pls. forgive me if I have spoken to much. Sometime, my heart starts to poor out. But, I am not worried about it.
Praise JESUS..
Just scream "negativity shield, negativity shield" into the phone. At the very least it would be good for a laugh.
Welcome to the club
DIVORCE is just the opposite of falling in love. That should tell you what you are in for.
So, the best advice I can give is to stay calm, keep everything calm, work through your lawyers, and slip out of the marriage as quickly and peacefully as possible. -
People like to talk shit. When they're talking to you, they're on your side. When they talk to your wife, they're on her side. When they talk to each other, they'll run you both down. The best thing you can do with these third parties is refuse to discuss your personal matters with them. The best thing you can do with your wife is follow anewme's advice. Keep it calm and peaceful, and work through your lawyers.
And don't overfeed your lawyers. Don't spend a $1,000 fighting over something that's worth $200.