When this first made the email rounds a few years ago, there was an announcement in the "kingdom ministry" that jw's shouldn't be listening to "unauthorized" versions of the kingdom melodies and should not forward these files on to other witnesses.
It was bad enough when they kept after you to get rid of all your CDs. First, it was the really bad stuff like rap and heavy metal. Then, every time you listen to something, someone else has something bad to say about it, and you had to get rid of it to avoid stumbling that person. Before you knew it, it was down to just the 225 pieces of s*** that came from the Craptower Society.
Now, the Craptower Society is coming out with the above listed directive. This was about a performance of Kingdumb Malady 54 by Celine Dion and George Benson. It did not come from the Craptower Society's puke factory. However, George Benson is a Witless himself! Effectively, this cuts off new music to what the Puketower decides to put out.
This even includes homemade remixes. Suppose I had a collection of the orchestra versions of all the songs in my computer, along with software to remix it all. Not a note is added or taken out, just remixed exactly like the Society does. I come out with Puke Disc #11 and upload it. This is effectively banned now, creating the monopoly on the mixes that the Tower likes to put out. In effect, people are forced to listen to the same crap in the same order all the time.
Bad enough to cut off normal music. But when you allow people to remix the stuff, there is something like 225 raised to the 25th power of ways the songs can be remixed (sure is a long time if the Tower has to remix them every possible way before the end comes). Still s***, and still not recommended. I do not recommend it but only because the songs are deliberately made to brainwash and kill independent thinking. Still, it is better if the individuals are allowed to play aronnd with the remixes and even do a remake of them. And some of the people could well create new Kingdumb S***. It would still be s***, as long as it was acceptable to the religion. However, it would be some altogether new music and not the same refried cat s*** again.
To compare with the world: The world has more than 50 million songs on CDs, and new music is being made every week. Not that it is as good these days as it would be without the big labels and the radio stations sanitizing everything. But there are still a few independent labels out there (rap and hip-hop seems more independent than other genres). Besides, you can remix them the way you want to. There are tens of thousands of past songs just on the pop charts from 1955 to date, and more on the disco, country, album rock, R&B, adult contemporary, and gospel charts. Plus much that fell between the charts, that is just as good. And, as long as you don't steal it, you are free to listen to any remix, or upload it, any way you see fit. (Please do not steal active music that is making money for the artists, because in doing so, you are cutting them off from their pay). For sure, better than the puke that the Craptower puts out.