JW Hit by Lightning while going Door to Door

by Wordly Andre 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    The article doesn't say JW but the radio broadcast did. Anyone hear about this? http://cbs4.com/local/local_story_189151333.html

  • DannyHaszard
  • NewYork44M

    This was on the local news channels in Miami/Ft. Laud. One channel showed the books he was selling and they were NOT jw material.

    Looked like a bunch of comic books. Besides he was working around 4pm on Sunday. What jw would be doing h2h at that time??

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    The News report on the radio said he was a JW?? Maybe they had it wrong, My co-worker said that Jehovah was like "You didn't witness Shit!!" ZAP!!!!

  • Gopher

    We had a topic on this: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/14/137675/1.ashx

    There's evidence both for and against this lightning victim having been a JW. Despite the radio report, I'm leaning towards the opinion that it was not a JW. The person involved was reportedly selling religious books to help finance an education. I don't think even if you pioneered 200 hours a month it would get you close to paying for even one class.

  • truthseeker

    So much for angelic protection - oh, wait a minute, Jesus said "where there are TWO or THREE in my midst..."

  • NewYork44M

    Florida lightning is scary. I remember once when out in service a bolt of lightning struck directly in front of me. It seemed close enough to touch.

    I turned around went to the car and told the group - SEE YOU LATER. I got a few looks that suggested that I was not trusting in the big "J."

  • neverendingjourney

    This reminds me of a story I heard years ago from a regular pioneer. He said there was this old apostate lady who was protesting outside of a convention in Florida and got struck by lightning. He even said that the Bethel speaker made an announcement about it, which delighted the crowd.

  • IP_SEC

    He musta had a secret sin


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