The article doesn't say JW but the radio broadcast did. Anyone hear about this?
JW Hit by Lightning while going Door to Door
by Wordly Andre 8 Replies latest jw friends
This was on the local news channels in Miami/Ft. Laud. One channel showed the books he was selling and they were NOT jw material.
Looked like a bunch of comic books. Besides he was working around 4pm on Sunday. What jw would be doing h2h at that time??
Wordly Andre
The News report on the radio said he was a JW?? Maybe they had it wrong, My co-worker said that Jehovah was like "You didn't witness Shit!!" ZAP!!!!
We had a topic on this:
There's evidence both for and against this lightning victim having been a JW. Despite the radio report, I'm leaning towards the opinion that it was not a JW. The person involved was reportedly selling religious books to help finance an education. I don't think even if you pioneered 200 hours a month it would get you close to paying for even one class.
So much for angelic protection - oh, wait a minute, Jesus said "where there are TWO or THREE in my midst..."
Florida lightning is scary. I remember once when out in service a bolt of lightning struck directly in front of me. It seemed close enough to touch.
I turned around went to the car and told the group - SEE YOU LATER. I got a few looks that suggested that I was not trusting in the big "J."
This reminds me of a story I heard years ago from a regular pioneer. He said there was this old apostate lady who was protesting outside of a convention in Florida and got struck by lightning. He even said that the Bethel speaker made an announcement about it, which delighted the crowd.
He musta had a secret sin