WOW, please clerify. In the Proclaimers of Gods Kingdom book, in the C.Russell opening chapter of the book, it states: Care is also excercised NOT TO use expressions such as Pastor or Elder as titles. I know JW use Elder consistently. Please explain, and did something change (once again), since then? Dont have the book in front of me, cant remember what page.
From the Proclaimers book, ELDERS not to be used
by NotaNess 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nathan Natas
Charles Taze Russell was referred to by his associates as Pastor Russell. Why? Because of his activities in shepherding the flock of God. Ephesians 4:11 states that Christ would give to his congregation some as "pastors" ("KJ"), or "shepherds." Brother Russell certainly did serve as a spiritual shepherd in the Christian congregation.
In view of the pastoral work that he was doing under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ, certain congregations acknowledged by vote that he was their pastor. It was not a self-assumed title. The first group to vote him their pastor was the congregation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1882. Thereafter, he was voted pastor by some 500 other congregations, in the United States and Britain.
Back then, it was customary for the congregations to vote each year for those who would preside among them. Today, Christian elders among Jehovah’s Witnesses are not elected by local congregations but are appointed by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Care is also exercised not to use expressions such as "pastor" or "elder" as titles.
- Proclaimers, chapter 5, page 54
From my understanding, the elder body was at one point abolished in favor of congregations being led by voted "Overseer" positions. When these individuals were being overwhelmed and growing in influence and power, they flashed a new light that reinstituted the old system.
This is just from memory, so if someone else would need to either confirm, clarify or correct this it would be appreciated. -
Nathan Natas
I think they see a distinction between saying that Brother Jones is an elder and calling him "Elder Jones." During the time I was active - a long time ago - I never heard anyone called by anything other than "Brother," regardless of "rank". In that sense, "Elder" is not used as a title.
Ness, I think they'd say it's okay to recognize someone as being an appointed congregation elder--but they discourage identifying someone as Elder Johnson or Elder Campbell--as if "Elder" were a formal title, like Pastor Johnson or Father Campbell.
Its really not a matter of how votes or appoints, the postions mentioned are just that, postions. A qualified man can fill or hold the position of elder, and for that matter, pastor. It does not title him as such. Just like getting the job of dog catcher, you dont become "dog catcher Dan". Elder is only a job discription, wouldnt be nice if they could accept that and not make so much of themselves because the have been chosen as a slave, a servant to the congregation. They do not assume a title, only a postion.
Saying someone is an Elder or saying Elder Johnson, in my opinion, is still a title either way, period. Sergeant Dan, and, Dan is a Sergeant, still using his title verbally.
Lady Liberty
Dear Notta,
YES. MANY, MANY, MANY, things changed! They don't teach 90% of what the then "Faithful Slave" taught. In fact if you were to go around teaching openly within the congregation today, what Russell taught back then you would be disfellowshipped for apostacy!! Go figure! Something smells awefully "fishy" doesn't it!!?? As to when this particular thing changed..I am not sure.
Lady Liberty
Such contradiction! The WTS subliminally suggest that Russell is directing the World Wide Work TM but they reject all his teachings