I wrote this on another thread but It didn't take.
Just heard "Zero Seven" in my son's truck and thought it was great!!!
Any thoughts on this band or what ever new music you are into.
I love to hear talented new musicians.
by restrangled 9 Replies latest jw friends
I wrote this on another thread but It didn't take.
Just heard "Zero Seven" in my son's truck and thought it was great!!!
Any thoughts on this band or what ever new music you are into.
I love to hear talented new musicians.
restrangled, most of the music i listen to is way out there. i don't like mainstream music. but, if you like a particular band, you can look them up on most sites that sell music, and they will have a section that says, "if you like this band, you may like..." or, customers that bought this, also bought so and so. this is a good way to find new music. what are you into? i may be able to help you. i listen to all generas of music.
I recommend Mastodon and Isis.
However, they're not for everyone. =p
I'm with bigdreaux on the whole 'mainstream' music thing but I have to say... I think 'Deftones' are freaking awesome. They've been around for quite awhile and are semi mainstream.... but every single one of thier albums are great.
yeah liquidsky, if i hear one more fergie song, i may snap. lol i think radio is killing music. i say DEATH TO CLEARCHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank god for c.d's, otherwise i might not make it.
there are a few mainstream groups/artists that I think are great, even though they're mainstream.
Example: Queens of the Stone Age.
I'm a classic rock dude. Gimme Boston or gimme a sharp stick in the eardrum.
If you want something new/old, try Electric Light Orchestra's 2002 release Zoom.
It's got a beatles wilbury-esque feel to it. I play Lonesome Lullaby off that cd every morning at full volume in honor of my first ex.
Here's Throw It All Away from Zero 7:
Good pick r.
Here's 4 new songs for you to check out.