Add another one to the list of Kingdumb Halls

by lavendar 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar

    Well, there's a brand new KH that was just built on the main road close to where we live. We have to pass by it every day on our way into town. Now, I have this "lovely" daily reminder that my son is being brainwashed into this cult. (Not that I don't think about that every day anyway!)

    There was a write-up about it in the local paper. Thousands of JW's came from far & near to help build it. They constucted it in about FOUR DAYS! The field next to the property was used as the parking lot for the builders/helpers. The thing I thought was funny was they placed these redundant signs at the entrance that read JW PARKING.


  • Arthur
    The thing I thought was funny was they placed these redundant signs at the entrance that read JW PARKING.

    Well, this does make sense in a way. With all of the four-door vehicles that were parked there, someone may have erroneously thought that it was a Budget Rent-A-Car lot.

  • WTWizard

    I bet that was a fine waste of land. They could have built a place for real businesses or residential units. Or they could have left the land vacant and created a place for green space or for children to play without worrying about traffic. But no, they had to make another Kingdumb Hell that likely they didn't need. If anything, all they wanted was the interest on the "loan" that the congregation got scammed into taking out, plus the money from selling the old Kingdumb Hell which was likely still in fine condition.

  • Gopher

    These things always give free publicity to the local JW's.

    Wise communities will zone the JW's out to the edge of town. That way, there'll be less traffic, less valuable space in midtown taken off the tax rolls.

  • RollerDave

    What Gopher said, he's a canny dude.

    Roller (of the rather inebreaited sheep class))


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