I purchased a small green dinosaur for my almost 3 year old grandson yesterday.
It was one of those real 'rubbery' ones, soft to the touch, about 6 inches in length. In the center of the belly of the beast is a small hole that was created by the injection press that produced it. [For those in the know, a sprew hole]. When I got it home, my grandsom was playing with it and said 'what is this Grandpa?' and held up one of those small round batteries used for watches and small clocks. A little investigation revealed a total of three of them in the belly of the toy.
This toy is not a powered toy - just a rubbery dino - I could not believe that this was there and have no idea how it got there. The store I bot it at does not even sell such items - it must have been put there by someone at the factory or enroute. I am glad he did not swallow them, as who would have known?
Just a warning to pay attention in places you would not suspect. This could have been a tragedy.