Armageddon will NOT happen...

by A-Team 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A-Team
    A-Team the JWs say it is. I had to throw in a grabber to get your attention. But yea, I have came up with a list, I may not be 100% Accurrate OR don't have all the unfilled prophacy yet, but this will give you some guideline on what to expect before Armageddon takes place...which by the way will take place Outside of Jerusalem at a Hill called Meddio.

    1. A coalition of nations will have to forges war aganist the Nation of Israel, and loses in 7 days (Eze 38-39). It's been 58 years since Ezekiel 37 Was fufiled, when the Jews returned to their Homeland. Almost immeidally, the Palestines went to war with them. I don't think it's just sheer luck that a Nation as Small as Israel, and with only 1 Ally (The United States) could save off total dustruction w/o a Higher Power (God) bing involved. My take, This has a great chance of happening in the next few years

    2. A man, some say European, Will come to power by using a League of Nations. This is already set up, it's called the EU (has a Universal Money System, Patrolmen and Constitution). This will mark the start of the Tribulation Period (7 Years). Again, this has NOT happen yet, and can't happen until #1 has been done. Also, this guy will claim to rebuild the Temple as well. There is also a non-Bibical Catholic Prophacy that says that this guy would rise out of the Papel..and it will be the NEXT pope after Bendedict XVI. This remains to be seen.

    2A. Rapture...sometime around the Tribulation Period.

    3. Israel..ONLY IN ISRAEL, I already explained that Armageddon is the Mother of all Battles, but not the FINAL battle.

    4. 1000 Year Millemium Reign, Satan locked up, Those resurrected will preach the Gospel to those who were alive during the Battle at the Hill of Meddio

    5. Satan Releases, turns world aganist God, and Challenges him

    6. Satan destroyed.

    7. NEW EARTH and HEAVEN appears.

    I may be missing a few Prophecies, but bottom line is Armageddon will not just happen like the JWs want to Believe.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Edited to add: No disrespect, but do you really think there will be the "BIG A"?

  • bikerchic

    Say it ain't so!

  • candidlynuts

    armageddon, ressurection, heavenly hope, earthly hope, good/evil.....what what what???

    why does politics have to play a part in god's plans?

    why do we have to guess and wonder and question?

    why are there 1000's of religions and our salvation depends on guessing which one god approves of?

    i dont care if i live or die, i just wish SOMETHING would happen so that i'd KNOW.. if paris hilton can reach a world wide audience why is it so hard for god to? i'm sure larry king would book him for an hour on a slow news day.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You got off to a great start with your subject line, but then you lost your way.

    Armageddon will NOT happen. Period. Ever.

    Oh, yes, the earth may someday be destroyed as a consequence of man's actions, or tectonic activity, or cosmic events, but there is not hoard of invisible superheros struggling for domination of the Universe.

    Follow a sockpuppet and you're likely to come down with Athlete's Ear.

  • Gopher

    Knock Knock.

    Who's there?


    Armageddon who?

    Armageddon outta this thread.

  • A-Team

    Armageddon literally means Hlll of Megiddo. Do I thik there will be a Battle on the Hill, yes. Do I think many people will die because of this, I don't think so.

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