Cancer healing—using emotions (watch this video):
Cancer healing—using emotions (watch this video)
by abiather 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
People like you, abiathar, are the reason my Grandmother is dead.
Spreading bulls#it ideas like this is reckless, dangerous and costs people's lives.
Just stop. It's disgusting,
So many words I want to say right now, but Simon would probably have to ban me if I said what was truly on my mind.
You are a charlatan and are promoting more charlatans. -
The guy looks a little like Chuck Norris. -
This is quackery at its worst. Completely false and unsupported by any evidence whatsoever. -
IMO this thread should be removed and you should be banned. Offering this type of false hope to people suffering from cancer is sickening and you should be ashamed.
You have crossed the line.
I bet he believes this BS also:
I am in the middle of a month old argument about this with my cousin.. he is pretty smart too but believes this BS!
Time for you to go. -
Time for you to go
Great decision :) -
Thank you, Simon.
Any other subject I would have either blown off or played along for the sake of discussion, but this was too much for me.