This is the way the world ends

by bboyneko 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko

    LONDON (Reuters) - The human race is likely to be wiped out by a doomsday virus before this millennium is out unless it starts to colonize space, top British scientist Stephen Hawking warned on Tuesday.
    Hawking's comments came as the United States teetered on the brink of panic over possible germ warfare after anthrax-laced letters were delivered in the capital Washington and the states of New York, Nevada and Florida.

    "I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet," Hawking told Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper.

    Hawking, Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University in England, said Armageddon threatened not in the form of a Cold War-style nuclear holocaust but could arrive in a more insidious and invisible form.

    "In the long term, I am more worried about biology. Nuclear weapons need large facilities, but genetic engineering can be done in a small lab. You can't regulate every lab in the world," he said.

    Investigators have not pinned down who is behind the U.S. anthrax attacks, but fears are growing they could be retaliation for U.S. military strikes against Afghanistan, which followed last month's suicide attacks on New York and Washington.

    Hawking, a leading theoretical physicists who hit the best-seller lists with his book "A Brief History of Time," said the chances of humanity pulling through looked good.

    "I am an optimist. We will reach out to the stars," he said.

    A Star Trek-style "warp drive" might be one way to relieve the tedium of lengthy journeys between stars in spacecraft traveling below the speed of light, Hawking said.

    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.
    - T.S. Eliot 1925
  • willy_think
    LONDON (Reuters) - The human race is likely to be wiped out by a doomsday virus before this millennium is out unless it starts to colonize space, top British scientist Stephen Hawking warned on Tuesday.

    Hawking!! now i'd like to see that math. or could it be that steven is basing his statment on arbitrary conjecture? it's true that hawking wants the human race to colonize space, but he would never use the fears of the US to advance his agenda. would he? no, not the steve meistir..he MUST have done an incredable amount of research into ALL the other things that could "wipe" us out. right? he MUST have equally calcuated ALL the possible cenarios that could save the race, outside of space colonization. right? you will notice the word "likely", old steve is too smart to get caught advancing his agenda. it's only a matter of odds. lol you go steve take us to the stars.

    Steven Hawking, although he is my hero, should stick to math and leave politics to the politicians.

  • Yerusalyim

    We've beat the odds thus far, why would the next thousand years change that? WARP DRIVE? Most scienetists think faster than light travel is not possible. Then again, a bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly either!
    The US has been working on a neutron pulpulsion (yep, spelled it wrong) system since at least the mid 80's. Maybe that's the start. My cousin's ex wife used to work on it for MacDouglas INC. supposedly back then it could maintain 40K and hour indefinitely, which is still real slow. She said we have the technology to reach the nearest star in less than 25 years of travel time, but can't yet apply the technology.

    Is at light or faster than light travel possible?

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Seeker

    Oh please, common sense will tell you Hawking is right. What would provide humanity with better odds, to live on one planet or on two planets? All it takes is a biological epidemic, out-of-control nanotechnology, nuclear holocaust, or major asteroid strike and one planet ceases to have life. Yes, we've managed so far, but two is always better than one at beating any future odds.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    The last I heard, the nearest suspected habitable planet was at least thousands of light years away. Transportation could be a problem. DUH!

    Why not just do drugs and believe that you are on a different planet?

  • joelbear

    Seeker always puts me thoughts so much better than me :)

    Our best chance for a 2nd planet is terraforming Mars not interstellar travel. I agree with "most scientists" that faster than light speed ain't gonna happen.

    However, as you know, I am not an optimist. Humans will eat up this planet like so many locusts and then die out, but then life will probably start all over again and some group will say that the time of the end began in 72,001,914 CE.

    There is only one hope for human survival and prosperity and that is a return to a balanced use of nature and unfortunately I don't see that happening. For more of my thoughts read my Lifeism page.

    Party on Garth, Party on Wayne


  • willy_think

    i never said he was wrong, most all species ever to live on this planit eventually have gone extinct and we, most likely, will too. but that is not what he said is it? he said we would likely be wiped out not buy something but by something very specific "a doomsday virus".
    what i said is this is a political statement based on congecture, possibly to advance his personal agenda. NOT a matical equasion done by the great MR. Halking, as might be implied by his association with the statement.

  • bboyneko

    I've posted before about the regularity of extinctions on this planet, one of the more major ones wiped out 95% of life on the seems to happen every 12 million years or so, and this regularity with massive extinctions each time have led scientists to beleive that there is some huge gravitational body (maybe a planet, or asteroid) with an enourmous orbit that drags massive comets with it past earth every 12 million years.

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