We had a discussion at church today RE what are the most serious sins and we discussed an interesting angle:
We often think of sin as committing some improper act but what happen if we step back and look at what the examples of scripture gives regarding sin:
The commandments first given to mankind / reward for the fall are Multiply and Replenish - Become wise. The whole ritualistic part of religion seems to have been put in place to keep teaching this lesson (and focusing on the supposed source of freedom and knowledge - the Messiah.) God chooses several dodgy types who break traditional rules (Moses , Judah, Lot, David..) people who are flawed but spunky, imperfect but keen.
I can't get away from the idea that the great sins are not commission but ommision based. We all know the 'moral' code but maybe what is more important than simply keeping your snozzle in your pants and dying celibate is actually getting out there and taking on the responsibility of a family - in other words the sexual laws of Israel are more about getting your family more than about being 'pure', same goes for every other commandment.
In a nutshell - the return to God as a bland but pure individual is a disaster, returning as a rogue who got into scrapes but lived a full measure of life and still bows the knee to God at the end is a majestic triumph. In this light the hippy Jesus gets replaced by a revolutionary anarchist and we see the scriptures as a 'commandment' to excel and roar rather than whimper in a cheap suit.
I think I prefer to see the great sins as missing your chance at life rather than simply bending my carnal self into a 3 hour worship session.
Greatest sins
by Qcmbr 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Great post Q. Really made me think:)
We had a talk on the word 'holy' today at church.
Many view holy as clean and pure which it is, but holy can also mean 'set apart'.
God is so much higher and greater than we are and more magnificent and amazingly awesome!
When we stand before a God like that, we become aware of all our iniquities very quickly. (He was discussing Isaiah in his vision in heaven where he said he was unclean of lips and said woe is me and felt dead before such a majestic God)
He then mentioned Isaiah 64:3 where Isaiah said that all our very best, all our righteous works are as filthy rags before God. Our best doesn't compare with God. That shows our deficiency before our Creator.
I think that is a good way to understand sin. Sin is our limitation before a limitless God.
That makes us praise and worship him in light of the fact that despite our own iniquities he loved us while we were still sinners and died for our sins and counts our faith in Christ as righteousness and brought us into a loving relationship with him!!!