Would this be rude?

by lisavegas420 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lisavegas420

    As I'm leaving my favorite Mexican Restrauant Saturday evening, I noticed some JW's coming in. How did I know, because they were all still wearing their badges, well all except for the youngest, probably 13 or so with longish hair.

    I thought about asking them how was the assembly and did they learn anything that new or if there had been any new releases. But I didn't. I thought it might be rude. Instead, I just looked at them, and breathed a sigh of relief that I didn't have to go.


  • free2think

    Hey Lisa

    I think you did the right thing, if you had said anything they would have just its persecution anyway, lol.

  • lisavegas420

    but isn't that why they wear the badges, so everyone will know that they are JW's?

    I wouldn't have thought to say anything if they had on Amway badges or something.


  • free2think

    Good point. They wear them to show everyone they are superior and havethe true religion.

  • Gopher

    Asking them "what was new" would have been bold, but not rude (depending on how you asked of it). They would have been a little surprised to be asked, because they're used to being generally ignored.

    I don't know what would have come of the conversation, it probably depends on the degree of zealousness of the JW's involved. Probably little or nothing.

    When I see JW's at restaurants, I tend to pity them and leave them be.

  • RollerDave

    Oh, I am so conflicted!

    On the one hand, I try to just let people be...

    But then there's that other hand, the one with the vindictive streak....

    I find myself unable to resist messing with the gormless fools!

    (evil laugh)

    I just act like me, larger than life and over the top, drop a few references...

    Me so bad.

    I feel just terrible, really I do...

    No, actually I enjoy the hell out of it!

    But I'm an asshole, so what do you expect?!?!?!

    Roller (of the 'messes with the mindless' sheep class)

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Go with what feels right to you. I have learned that my gut is very trustworthy. OTOH, I think there are some on this board that just can't resist reinforcing the stereotype of DAd or DFd people, that people who leave the organization become assholes. That is up to them if they want to behave like that, but I think it can make it harder on some of us who are trying to make a point to family and friends (thereby helping them out of the org.) by saying that once we leave, our lives improve. I want to give them something to drool about.

  • lisavegas420

    The conversation I played in my mind went something like this.

    me: "Oh I see you all are JW's. I can tell becasue of the badge. Did you enjoy today's assembly? Was it held at the Nutter Center? Were there any new releases this year?"

    Them: Are you a JW?

    me: no, I used to be, I was just wondering if anything had changed over the past 20 years.

    I wouldn't be rude, but I thought maybe just start up a short conversation, be polite, and not show any horns.

    Just like them, I had spent the day with my family.... only we were at the park enjoying nature and each other's company. They were sitting in uncomfortable chairs and listening to the same message that they give every year.


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