You may have heard about those thrill sports at the meetings. It is wrong to go bungee jumping, sky diving, or scuba diving. Why? If there is a mishap, you might die (and miss out on all the thrill of going door to door preaching the same message--they might miss out on all those coming in) or get seriously injured (meaning less service, and they don't ever want to allow anyone to get away with doing less).
Why would bungee jumping be so bloody dangerous that the Watchtower Society wants to ban it? What they don't tell you is that you are more likely to get hurt in an accident on your way to the theme park than on the bungee jump. If many people were getting killed or hurt, their liability insurance would skyrocket and they would go belly-up (or they would get shut down). The fact is that the bungee cords almost never fail because they change them after every 500 jumps, and they have strict safety rules for jumpers and inspections. When someone does die or get hurt in a mishap with these jumps, it is front page news and the park gets embarrassment that they don't want. So they put up with the costs to keep the danger to an absolute minimum.
Sky- and scuba diving are a bit more dangerous. Sky diving, properly done and with proper instruction, might kill or hurt one diver per million jumps for a failed parachute opening. Scuba diving can be dangerous, but properly trained divers within their abilities are actually quite safe. Serious injuries are rare, and you are more likely to get hurt on the highway than in the water. Most people that get hurt scuba diving get hurt trying to go beyond their capacities.
How does this compare with the risks inherent with service? First, you have to drive to the Kingdumb Hell and often in a tired condition and with a cell phone in one hand to see if the first call is at home. Then you drive to the territory, cross often busy streets, and have to watch out for dogs, householders that will shoot first and ask questions later, and steps that are in hazardous condition. Heat stroke is a danger in hot weather, especially if they don't take the tie and suit off.
Further, Witlesses are under stress of every sort. They are financially pressured, and each time they get a bit of a break, they are goaded to donate it to the Pedophile Protection Work. They usually don't get enough sleep (and if they do, they are told that it means they aren't doing enough). Their diets are often wretched, since they have to eat fast, good-tasting poison regularly to keep their time going. Not getting enough sleep poses its own health risks, plus that of causing more accidents while driving. And there is the stagnation that slows the immune system, which has to cope with germs from the doors.
By comparison, bungee jumping and scuba diving, if the rules are properly followed, is actually extremely safe. Sky diving is inherently more dangerous because shifting wind and parachute opening issues are unpredictable. However, even this is safer than being one of Jehovah's Witlesses since you are more likely to die from the stress or in an accident related to the work than in the sky.
One wonders, if there are so many problems with the Witlesses, why they don't ban that. They ban bungee jumping under threat of its being "so dangerous" when it's quite safe if the rules are followed. But they don't ban witnessing because it's so dangerous if the rules are followed (if you are playing safety, you aren't doing enough). And yet they make witnessing look safe. Bulls***.