500-lb. man rescued after 12 hours in river

by MadTiger 2 Replies latest social current

  • MadTiger
  • alphafemale

    Wow 500lbs, nearly 36 stones! How awful to get into that state to begin with and then when he tries to do something about it, ie. take some exercise, he gets into that embarrassing and potentially very dangerous predicament! How he could think tubing was safe though is beyond belief. I just read your thread title out to my husband and he said, "How did they rescue him then? Use a harpoon?" Lol. But I feel sorry for him really, it's probably put him off exercise for life!

    Alpha :)

  • mrsjones5

    What an idiot! What made him think that tubing down a river was a safe activity for a person of his size? Oh and tubing is not exercise, laying on a big air donut drifting down a river, yeah it's a real workout. But it was for him that day. *shakes head*

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