Ok, like I promised yesterday, I will tell you all a little about my vacation in Ohio. This will be the condensed version as I dont feel like typing much tonight.
Well I was gone for 16 days. I left for Dayton on Sunday July 1.
My AC is out in my car, so it was a hot ride up there.
I stayed the first 2 nights with mom and grandpa. I stayed the next 2 nights with grandma and her husband Rob.
I stayed wed and thurs with mom and grandpa again.
On friday, Darin, I, and Darby headed out to Louisville Kentucky to spend the weekend with our cousin.
We took the scenic route and followed the Ohio river to Madison Indiana. This was one of the more scenic routes I have been on. It was a 2 lane road that followed the river. For nearly 100 miles there were no walmarts or McDonalds, barely even a stoplight. We passed through many small towns that would make Norman Rockwell envious. There was nothing but campgrounds along the riverbank. We saw many barges as we headed up the river. We stopped an ate a small riverboat (paddlewheel) on the river.
Madison Indiana is a small town on the river that is full of historic buildings, plus they were having their boat regatta on the river.
Anyway we finally arrived in Louisville. We got up the next morning and went to the zoo. My cousins little boy was having a bad day so she took him home for a nap and came back later to get us.
We went to an early dinner around 4 pm at a BBQ restaurant called "Mark's feed mill". The food was really good.
After dinner we went down to the Ohio river to take an evening cruise on paddlewheel riverboat. The Belle of Louisville wasnt running that day, so we rode on the boat called the "spirit of Jefferson".
Well my cousins little boy was starting to act up again. guess what happened? About 5 miles up the river, he falls on a step and hits his head.
They stopped this riverboat about 5 miles up the river and we had to leave the boat early due to his injuries. Well a police boat came to pick us up. We were in the dining room of the boat putting on our lifejackets and everyone was staring at us.
We boarded the police boat and everyone was waving to us from the riverboat. We got to take a 5 mile boat ride back to the docks on a police boat. The policeman was very friendly and we got a picture of him and his boat.
We went home, and my little cousin was Ok except for a knot on his head.
We retuned to Dayton the next moning and took another scenic route through Indiana.
Ok, there's not much more to tell except that I visited with family for the remaining week.
I went to Darin's Toastmasters meeting the following thursday.
On Saturday we went to a picnic at one of Darin's church members house. These people were extremely wealthy and lived on a ranch. Their ranch and house were even bigger than Southfork in Dallas.
On Sunday we went to our family reunion and on sunday night I met up with Darin and his campaign manager at a restaurant called the "cheesecake factory". This was a very upscale restaurant that started out in Beverly Hills California and they now have other locations across the US.
We were there for about 1 1/2 hours, eating and discussing politics and campaign strategies.
On monday morning I headed back to Tennessee and had another hot ride in the car.
I was gone 16 days from July 1st and returned home on July 17th.
That's all for now,
My Ohio visit--July 2007
by Junction-Guy 3 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds enjoyable and relaxing. Good food and a ride in a police boat for excitement.
Good to have you back.
Sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation Glad to have you back!
It sounds like you had a nice vacation, especially the scenic part by the river. Now's the time of the year to visit Ohio and Indiana.