Except you be converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of God," -- How does that jive with the WTS plethora of books, judgements & rulings, questions and more questions, interrogations, prophesy revisions and citations, lawyers, and proclamations?
"Becoming as little children" - how does that jive with the WTS?
by lawrence 9 Replies latest jw friends
return visitor
it doesn't
Little children are easily led.
I think it jives quite well, for the gb anyway. Jw's are never allowed to truly mature and make their own decisions. They are kept as children who are told how to do everything in life from suggesting what beverages are healthful to what you may do in the bedroom with your mate, fail to live up to their 'unique' standards and you must have a time out (marked,reproved, df'd) until they deem you have sat in the naughty chair long enough and have learned your lesson. If you can grovel well enough you are allowed back in the congs good graces though there will always be this slight blemish upon you.
Becoming as little children from a Christian standpoint is much different. Though your faith is childlike, absolute, you are still capable of making decisions for yourself and indeed find it strange when others try to determine what is right or wrong for you when there is no biblical mandate for something. Imagine when you were a little child and (pretend you all had normal upbringing here) and you needed to jump out of a tree into your fathers arms, no problem, you had ultimate faith your dad would catch you, it isn't until we are older that we hesitate and keep asking, 'are you sure you can catch me' and hang onto that limb with doubts until dad can coax you out with many, many reassurances.
A true test of character is to see what you will do when nobody is looking. A mature being (Christian or otherwise) will weigh the pros & cons and make a decision based not only on what is best for themselves but how it will affect others even if that choice ends up having adverse affects on oneself but will benefit others. The jw on the other hand has no need to even think or ponder the matter, simply look it up in the wt's! They have all the answers for nearly every conceivable situation in life.
Little children are easily led.
...sometimes. They are also "engines of incalculable joy and agonizing despair ... comedy machines ... headlong and hilarious ... they...poke the rules to see which bends and which is steel"
But I am just quoting from this wonderful post about the nature of children which was written by openminded some years ago. A Kingdom of God populated with children such as these would be paradise, near as dammit.
gently feral
keyser soze
It jives quite well. Little children ask questions, but they can easily be satisfied with the most simplistic answers. This is what the WTS is after, childlike obedience.
Children have an innate sense of fairness and justice. Observe them at play sometimes and you will see what I mean. They are willing to take turns, have no idea of a class system, and are willing to let bygones be bygones. I believe that is what our Lord meant when He made those statements about becoming as little children.
The WTS, on the other hand, has taken it upon themselves to be judge and jury. If they don't give their approval to a certain course of action, you had better rethink it. By usurping Jesus Christ's role as mediator, they have caused untold heartache and pain for many.
Following Jesus can only lead to peace and contentment. Following the WTS can only lead to turmoil and discontent. I found that out the hard way.
Except you be converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of God," -- How does that jive with the WTS plethora of books, judgements & rulings, questions and more questions, interrogations, prophesy revisions and citations, lawyers, and proclamations?
Well they are not inheriting the kingdom.
I dont know if there is a kingdom to inherit or not. But according to the rules of inheritence you need to be about as dumb as a box of rocks to get in. I dont think to many from this site will be there either.
become as little children
They have created a Parent-Child dynamic between the WTS and those who follow the WTS.
- "Do as we say, not as we do."
- "Do not dare to question us."
- "Behave or you will be punished."
- "Eat what we put on your plate, even if it's slop, even if the neighbours have something better."
- "Don't talk to strangers."
- "Give your 'funny uncle' a hug, he's family."
What a diverse set of comments! Damn am I laughing! I'm spewing coffee and rum.