Ok, first off I didn't know where to put this thread, so jokes and humour seemed as good as any since there isn't a "Sys. Admin " thread starting section....
I just gradu-a-macated and I have accepted my first post-college posi-ti-one' extordinaire.
I'm going to be a System Administrator. And I start in under 2 weeks. And my education was not focused in System Administer-ator-ing. I studied networking (Cisco) and PC repair. For some reason, they think I can do this job, they are gonna throw sick money at me (well, what I consider sick money), and I want to do a great job because that's the kinda guy I am. I have Microsft 70-290 (the general Server 2003 cert.), A+ (whoop-dee-frickin'-do....twirls finger in air), and Net+ (again, yawn..."So, of these 4 protocols, which one is non-routable?"....yawn).
Part of my hire agreement is to get 70-297 in under 6 months. I have the Microsoft Press training kit on order and it wil be here in a few days to help me prep for that.
I will be working with Exchange Server 2003 which I have never touched because we didn't cover that in school and I'm a newbie. I have in my hot little hands the Microsoft Administrator's Pocket Consultant for that and will be studying it like a mad man over the next week and a half. Pocket Consultant? That thing is 2 inches thick...sheesh.
The servers are running Server 2003, and there is Novell involed as well. Many, many servers spread across several buildings. There is a small team of other people that I can call on for help there, but they have their own reponsibilities ofcourse,
OK, now that all of that is out of the way, do any of you have any general advice, thoughts, feelings, vibes, whatever to give me?
Books or resources that have been helpful to you? Huge mistakes that I should avoid but you might think I wouldn't think of? (Besides "Don't delete the RAID setup unless you really, really mean it.")
I know that the info I gave is very vague...I won't know more until the day I start really. Anything at all that you want to tell me would be great.
Thanks for everything.