How do you feel? I would like to know what exactly do YOU expect will happen in relation to the Jehovahs Witness Organization. For eg: "E-Watchman" thinks its always been the truth and YHWH will clean house. Others expect the Society to evolve slowly into a more evil Orwellian empire. Yrs ago when i read JPentons book toward the end he simply said it as i recall, it would be persist as long as their were ppl to believe. I personally feel the Society will never fade away, (say like the WWchurch of God) because its promise of living for ever in a a new world order and other promises have 2much pull for the always present disallousioned. BUT do most of you want to see the org obliterated and done away with or would you like if it remained as a crutch for ppl after all the skeletons came out?
What YOUR bottom line ? What's your take?
by fedorE 8 Replies latest jw friends
The whole selling point of the religion is its distinctions from other religions. JW-ism is defined much more sharply by what it is not or what its adherents do not do, than by anything that it is or than anything its adherents actively do.
My take is that the waters of new disciples are drying up as readily available access to the Internet spreads. God has never had anything to do with the religion. No human organization of this scale can maintain itself without millions of dollars in donations pouring in. Donations from Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, the United States, and the European Union have all but dried up compared to decades past. The only real recently changed common denominator between these nations is the prevalent access to Internet.
The Internet becoming more widely available is the death knell for all secretive religious cults, not just JWs.
To me all religions will fail at the end (this one include : they are all the great slut ... LOL don't remember the propper term) ... people will get enough (at the end) with their bullshit masked being a supposed spirituality. "The light get brighter" little by little "nothing can stay hidden" ...
Christianity is not a question of religion it's in fact more a phylosophy (to me) -
I mentioned in another thread that I feel the WT's "golden age" has passed. Thanks to the internet they are now, and forever will be, fighting an uphill battle.
Will they completely dissapear? Not any time soon. Not in our lifetime. Some form of it will hang around for a long, long time.
My hope is that generations from now, there will be no religion at all. That people reach the logical conclusion that religion is destructive and divisive. The human race will be much better off when that day comes.
well, I think they reached a critical mass in $$$ and members so that the org. will continue to exist. It will continue to change its shape until it finds a new one that works, as this one is starting to be obvious to the dimmest eye. How many more times can they predict the end of the world? However, as long as anyone buys into millions now living will never die, they will have members. The fact that other members are dying all around them just proves they are holier than the rest - they don't want to think about dying.
I really don't care what happens to it.
Interesting question.
My question is, what's next? Would you stop there and if so why? I mean, if you destroy the org, what would replace it?
I'm not advocating to leave the org be nor am I suggesting ppl do nothing for the ppl they care about. I'm just asking where does it end? Is the struggle internal or external?
I want to see it go down. I dont believe this ever was God's chosen organization, and I will do everything I can to work against this family destroying cult.
I can't see going any time soon becaus edespite its numerous flaws it can still attract and hold in members even if by sheer trickery. But it will be good if it crashes out of existence there will be no more deaths from their blood ban and no more families or friendships ruined by shunning or youngsters growing up in an oppressive environment.