Everytime I go back to this site, I want to wretch and puke........

by AK - Jeff 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    This guy is as sick, if not sicker, than the Watchtower. The depth of his delusion with himself is amazing. Think what a brilliant man he could be if he just channelled his talents toward something besides the piling of bullshit on top of bullshit.


  • greendawn

    He is a rare species at least he criticises the WTS and though expelled from it he continues to embrace its ideology. I wonder if he has any like minded followers. Difficult since most ex dubs have rejected the WTS as an odious cultic organisation.

  • changeling

    That's why I don't go there. He trully is insane. So, cut it out, you masochist!


  • lawrence


    I know a follower of his; this guy is truly certifiable. Ranting and raving prophecy and fulfillments in the same breath; his wife left, and he's still not aware of the fact.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    That's why I don't go there. He trully is insane. So, cut it out, you masochist!


    I just was reviewing my 'favorites' menu and saw it. I sent the guy an email asking for 'credentials' in his prophecies. I doubt I get one. LOL Jeff

  • Mary

    I've never logged on there before, but this was enough for me:

    This site also seeks to shed light upon the prophetic Scriptures as they pertain to the ultimate creation of a satanic New World Order and the looming threat of world war, financial collapse and impact these eventualities will have upon the world, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and Jehovah's Witnesses before the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ is established.

    Too bad this guy wasn't around a hundred years ago-------he and Rutherfraud coulda really duked it out over which one of them was crazier.


    That was the first apostate site I went to. The whole "evil slave at Bethel" made sense to me. I thought that explained a lot, i.e. involvement with U.N. and obvious bull from the society. I was a little freaked out by anything I read on other sites that said the WTBTS couldn't be God's organization.

    That lasted about 2 weeks, then I realized he was setting himself up as a prophet.

    Next stop was this forum and I began to realize that the FDS could never have been "God's mouthpiece".

    I agree that he's insane. However, the site did help me to start questioning, thinking and reasoning, something I hadn't done for myself for a long time.


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