This is a new discovery for me. I happened upon a video clip on YouTube. I don't know if this has been shared before, but it was new to me . . . WOW !!!
Check out this site!
by Nellie 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I found it right before I found this forum. Rocked my world. Was still trying to believe that maybe e-watchman was right about the "evil slave" being the ones responsible for the U.N. scandal. That site, creepy as it is, made me realize that maybe, just maybe, the so-called FDS could never have been "God's mouthpiece" to begin with.
Yeah, the setup for the site is creepy indeed - but the content that I've seen is dead on! I had never seen it referenced here before and thought I'd share. The "Bedroom Laws" section is a definite attention getter!