Has anyone read this book? I've just started...just wondered what your take was on it...
Conversations with God...
by tan 5 Replies latest jw friends
I have the books (1, 2 & 3). I thought they were pretty cool.
Of course I look at them as fiction and I don't believe as the author believes on probably 75% of things but I remember it as being nice reading a couple of years ago. And there were a few things that i truly felt inside at the time that he happened to put into words in those books. I don't think I read them all through though.
Good book, easy to read... very liberating BUT I found it too Pantheistic. It implies that there is no "gold standard" of truth or morality - just what suits mankind at any one particular time.
That is not where MY beliefs lie. I believe that there is an ideal to strive towards.
The book tries to unify all religions... but it gets around Jesus' words that "No one comes to the Father but through me" by saying that Jesus was a Highly Evolved Being (HEB) - he realised his true nature.... then it goes on to explain that his words were arrogance.
How can a "Highly Evolved Being" be arrogant ?
Anyway, as I said... a good book, very liberating... but as the author Neale Donald Walsch says... don't take it literally as he is an "imperfect filter" for God's word.
Also I have my reservations about the series of books, as originally there were supposed to be only 3 books. Now were are up to about 9 or 10 (ish), with the author running his own seminars and "foundation".
What did you make of it ?
So far I've only started reading the first...didn't know that there were more than 3 books. And seminars? Wow. I agree with you so far that it is a good book. The "relationship" chapter (8) was interesting. Been skipping around in the book but started from chapter 1 last night. Will see how it goes. Thanx for your responses.
Here is a movie on youtube about how the first book came to be. If someone could make the link active that would be great.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=qzsNc7hbXY0 -
Has anyone read this book? I've just started...just wondered what your take was on it...
Neal Donald Walsh. It was excellent back in the day. He doesnt tell you who God is at least not in the first book. I suspect you are God. http://youtube.com/watch?v=qzsNc7hbXY0 Blue link. How do you make them not be blue?