Putting together info on proof of 607 vs. 586......

by lavendar 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar

    The WTS has erroneously set the Fall of Jerusalem in the year 607. I'm trying to put together information, for our son, proving that this date is false. I've decided WHEN our son brings up the subject of his involvement in the WTS, I will then show him this information.

    I feel this particular subject is the wisest to go with. I won't be arguing doctrine, as I realize this is a waste of time & energy (especially if you don't enjoy beating your head against a brick wall). I won't be arguing about all the MANY flip-flops and wierd beliefs (for the same reason).

    What could our son possibly say when I show him this proof?? Surely, the WTS knows of their error. What are they teaching the Witnesses as an "answer" to this proof??

    Thanks so much, you guys!


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis



    awesome site (my thread is looking for something that goes into a little more depth, like a book or ...re chronolgy in general)

    but this was really really good. Just found it again.

  • lavendar

    Thank you, thank you Swan!

    PS: did you see my PM back to you?


  • GoingGoingGone

    Here is an excellent thread on the subject: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/55372/1.ashx


  • lavendar

    Thank you, GGG! I'll have to digest all that when I have the time this evening.

    My question is: how can they argue with a World Encyclopedia?? For instance, I know the Columbia Encyclopedia emphatically states the Fall of Jerusalem in the year 586. How do they answer that away????

  • RunningMan

    I consider this article: http://www.towerwatch.com/articles/the_1914_doctrine.htm to be the definitive proof that 607 is wrong.

    It disusses the evidence against 607, based on the Bible, archeology, astronomy, royal lists and inscriptions, business documents, and Egyptian history.

    The only thing missing is the proof from the society's own publications, but that is in one of the threads listed above.

    I have this article in a cleaner ms-word format. If you pm me your email address, I can send it over.

  • whyizit

    JWs are programmed to teach. Not to be taught.

    What you should do, is ask him to prove to you that the fall of Jerusalem occurred in 607, WITHOUT using WTS literature.

    This is how I approached the subject.

    The fall of Jerusalem happened. Every one agrees on that.

    Ask your son: WWII happened when it happened, right? You could live anywhere and it still happened when it happened. You could be a Baptist, Catholic, JW, Athiest, and WWII still occurred on the date it occurred, right? It is a matter of fact, not speculation, right?

    Could you please find some solid references from historical scholars outside of the WTS that support the fall of Jerusalem occurring in 607? (PLease do not give me literature from the WTS, because that is like saying, "It happened because we say so.") This is a matter of historical fact, so it should be proveable. HOw did the WTS arrive at this date?

    Then do the backward count of the 5 kings who ruled and show him how you are arriving at 587.

    PM me, if you need that info. I have it. It made BIG waves with my JW friend.

  • whyizit

    One more thing

  • whyizit

    One more thing:

    Don't let them swamp you with piles of literature on the subject. ALL you need right now is proof from a couple of reliable sources OUTSIDE of the WTS that 607 is indeed the date of the fall of Jerusalem.

    NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. IF you clear this up first, then I may be interested in looking at the rest of the BS, er... I mean literature ...,on the subject. Right now all I want to see if PROOF that Jerusalem fell in 607.

    This is a matter of historical fact. It doesn't matter what religion, what race, or what part of the world you live in. It happened when it happened. Period. And it happened in 586-587. NOT 607.

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