Boop is worried about growing old

by KSJordan 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • KSJordan

    "Don't know about the rest of you but is sure is getting harder for me to do..!!
    But I was really happy when my sister (who is about 15 yrs younger than me} ..said just tonight..."I have been looking at you since you have been here and I just want to know how do you keep yourself looking so young, as you have really great looking skin and not very many character lines" Wasn't that sweet?? But the only thing I really do is try to keep the moisture in the skin over my face..and it has helped me there..but the rest of me is very dry and I just don't know how to get the moisture back in the rest of my skin.
    Any of you have little "tricks" to help you push back "time"??"

  • bboyneko

    Bathing in the blood of 1,000 virgins has been discussed before as invigourating way to remove wrinkles and increase lifespan

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas
    Any of you have little "tricks" to help you push back "time"?

    I wear a broken watch.

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