Having a God who demands people to serve Him constantly means that He is nothing more than a lazy lousy rotten tyrant and a Bum. Since when does God obligate Himself to giving people their needs and wants, after He obligates them to pioneer? I have never seen that happen. Nor have I ever read a Puketower article that God is obligated to make people happy in exchange for serving Him.
Result: Since God has never given me anything of value, I have cut Him off. He expects service out of me--and yet He expects to get out of paying the "bill" which is well within His means to pay. What happens if you forget to pay your Internet access or electric bill long enough? Eventually, it is going to come to no excuses--you will get cut off. And, to get service reinstated, usually you have to pay the whole amount in arrears, a service charge (usually something like $25 or $50) to get reconnected, and a security deposit which can be several months of charge before you can get your service reinstated. This means that Jehovah is going to be in for a huge bill in arrears, a huge bill for reconnection, and a huge "security deposit" before He is eligible for anything that resembles service from me.
Until all those charges are paid in full, I will continue to be an antitheist.