The WTS should not be called a faithfull and discrete SLAVE

by Undecided 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    John 15:14,15. "You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you. I no longer call you slaves, because a slave doesn't know what his master does. But I have called you friends, because all the things I have heard from my father I have made known to you."

    So should they be called the friends of Jesus or slaves?

    Ken P.

  • flipper

    They should be called the "unfaithful" and "indiscreet" slave! That title is more accurate

  • Mum

    They should be called usurpers of Jesus' mediatorship and headship of the flock. They should be called slave masters because they live in sumptuous luxury while others do their dirty work.



  • AuldSoul


    They take the moniker from a parable and apply it literally to themselves. Why would anyone would think Jesus would view his brothers and joint heirs as actual lowly slaves?

    Paul calls himself a slave of Christ and God to reinforce the extreme efforts to which he went in spreading the gospel. He calls attention to some few as fellow slaves of his, but these also suffered for the sake of the good news. By and large, Christians didn't regard themselves as slaves. Paul made an excellent argument against Christians viewing themselves as slaves.

    Galatians 5:1 — For such freedom Christ set us free. Therefore stand fast, and do not let yourselves be confined again in a yoke of slavery.

    I agree. It is an example of false humility for them to continually paint themselves as slaves while also claiming to be already appointed over all the master's belongings. Someone over all the master's belongings isn't a slave anymore. They have all authority in the house.


  • ex-nj-jw

    They should be called liars, child molesters, family destroyers, judgemental A** holes.....


  • greendawn

    Let's not forget that the FDS in practice is just the members of the GB and their inner circle though in theory they claim that all the anointed are the FDS they clearly do not allow them to function (as they perceive) the FDS should function.

    That clearly puts them in the category of the evil slave who ill treats and beats his fellow slaves ie the fellow anointed: should the latter seek to offer any spiritual food the GB will swiftly begin to harrass them and then throw them out through their local pawns, the elders.

    Surely the self effacing humility of the GB in refering to themselves as the "slave" is utterly pretentious.

  • exwitless

    Should be called "Disloyal and Insenstive Tyrants"

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